Element (tpptc1100s000)

Use this session to maintain an element for the selected project.


The code that uniquely identifies the project.
The description or name of the code.
The code that uniquely identifies the element.
General and Control
The description or name of the code.
If this check box is selected, a text is present.
Search Key
The code that identifies unit of measure.
The code that uniquely identifies the extension.
Start Date
The planned start date and time for the execution of work with respect to the element.
Finish Date
The planned finish date for the execution of work with respect to the element.
Budget Status
The budget status of the element.

If the status is Final and you add adjustments, you cannot change the status to Actual again.

Physical Progress
If this check box is selected, you can register progress for the element.

If this check box is cleared, you can maintain the progress for the element at a lower level in the budget structure.

Physical Progress Level
The default level at which you want to register progress.
Cost Control
If this check box is selected, costs entered on the budget lines for this element are transferred with the element to the control budget.

If this check box is cleared, the budget lines of the element are aggregated to the next higher level element which has been included in the budget structure as parent, and for which the cost control check box is selected.


You can only maintain cost control for the element, if the element appears once in the budget structure. If the same element appears several times in the budget structure and the control budget check box is selected, LN gives a message and clears the check box.

Work Authorization Status
The work authorization status of the element.
On Hold Date
The date after which the work execution on the element must be suspended.

The default value is the current date. The field is a display field.

Reason Code
The reason for holding the work execution of the element. The field is enabled only when the Work Authorization Status field is set to On Hold.
Reason Code
The description or name of the code.
Fixed Assets
Capital Element
If this check box is selected, the element is assigned to a capital project.

If an element is set to be capitalized, neither the child nor parent of the element can be capitalized.

Asset Number

LN enables the asset number and extension fields only for projects of the type capital.

The description or name of the code.
Asset Extension
The asset extension number.
Invoicing Details
Progress based Invoicing
Indicates whether the element can be invoiced.
Progress for Invoice
The nature of the element.

You can maintain this field only if the Invoice Method field in the Project (tppdm6100m000) session is Progress Invoice in combination with the Progress based Invoicing field in the current session:

  • If this field is set to Yes and the element is indirect, progress is booked on the direct element above this element. If the element is direct, the progress is booked on this element.
  • If the field is set to Project Physical Progress, and the element is indirect, the progress is rolled down to this element.
  • If the field is set to No, no progress is rolled down or booked on this element.
Group Indirect Work
You can maintain this field only if the field Progr. Based Inv. is set to Project Phys. Progr. As a result, the Element Type field will become Indirect. This indicates the number of a group of costs that is related to indirect work.

For each group you can add up the costs on the progress invoice. In this way, you can show the total of indirect work by group, which is sometimes demanded by a principal.

The numbering of groups is free, but the groups are printed on the progress invoice in numeric order.

Use Holdback
If this check box is selected, you can use holdback for this element.
To be Settled
If this check box is selected, the cost of additional work (direct work) can be settled. This means that these costs are included in the progress invoice at a special settlement price.

If this check box is cleared, the cost of additional work (direct work) cannot be settled.


Additional costs can only be settled if the Progress for Invoice field is set to Direct in the current session, and the Invoice Type field is set to Progress Invoice in the Project (tppdm6100m000) session.

If this check box is selected, the element costs are billed to the customer.
Budget Details
Budget Quantity
The budgeted number of elements. You need to enter a value only if you invoice by element.

If the element is part of an element structure, LN performs calculations with the frequency recorded via the Element Relationship (tpptc1105s000) session. The frequency indicates the number of times the element appears in the project.

Time Unit
The time unit that is linked to the element.
Production Rate
The production rate expressed in quantities by time unit.
Number of Time Units
The number of time units.
Physical Progress Quantity
The value of this field is used for cost control; progress recording.

If the invoice method is Unit Rate or Progress for the project, the progress quantity must be filled. This quantity is the expected quantity that times the sales price can be invoiced. For a Unit Rate method the actual quantity can differ from the estimated quantity. For the Progress method, the progress must be equal to the physical progress quantity to be able to invoice the work.

Price Details
Sales Price
The business partner currency.
Sales Price
The unit sales price for the element.

You can maintain this field only if the Invoice Type field in the Project (tppdm6100m000) session reads Progress Invoice or Unit Rate.

Sales Price
One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts.

In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined:

Currency Rate/Rate Factor
A charge or payment fixed according to a standard scale, for example, the currency rate of the transaction.
Currency Rate/Rate Factor
The factor by which the amount in the transaction currency or the invoice currency is divided before LN converts it to a home currency. A rate factor is often used for currencies that have a relatively low price, for example, Korean Won.
Settlement Price
The home currency for the cost amount.
Settlement Price
The unit price of additional work which may be charged during the progress invoicing procedure. This price may differ from the sales price for the budgeted work. The setlement price is printed under the heading additional work on the report in the Print Progress Invoice Specifications (tppin1410m000) session.

You can enter a value in this field only if the To be Settled check box is selected.

Settlement Price
One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts.

In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined:

Currency Rate/Rate Factor
A charge or payment fixed according to a standard scale, for example, the currency rate of the transaction.
Currency Rate/Rate Factor
The factor by which the amount in the transaction currency or the invoice currency is divided before LN converts it to a home currency. A rate factor is often used for currencies that have a relatively low price, for example, Korean Won.
Priority Supply Warehouse
The warehouse that receives the deliveries for more than one project. The goods are sent from the priority supply warehouse to the project warehouse. The value is defaulted from the Priority Supply Warehouse field in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session.

For a project, when an activity is performed at multiple locations, it is easier to transfer goods when the warehouse is also defined at the Activity/Element level.

ERP uses the following search path to check inventory, when generating PRP orders:

  1. The inventory in the Priority Supply Warehouse defined in the Activity (tppss2100m000)/Element (tpptc1100s000) session.
  2. The inventory in the Priority Supply Warehouse defined in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session.
The description or name of the code.
Default Project Warehouse
The unique project warehouse code for the element.
Sort Argument
The sort argument used for sorting elements in print reports.

The sort argument used for sorting elements in print reports output by the following sessions:

  • The Print Principal's Project-Control Report (tpppc4412m000) session
  • The Print Project Manager's Project-Control Report (tpppc4413m000) session

This default value is the value for the Sort Argument field in the Standard Element (tppdm0180s000) session. You can overwrite this value.


Print Elements
Starts the Print Elements (tpptc1400m000) session which prints details of the elements.