Activities (tppss2100m000)

Use this session to view and maintain:

  • The activities of the activity-structure of any project plan.
  • The start date and finish date so you can attach the earned value method to the activity.
  • If you click New, the following applies:

    • If you already selected an existing line, that activity becomes the parent of the new line. (Equivalent to using the Add Child command.)
    • If you did not select a line, the new activity is a top activitiy, which becomes the parent of the previous top activity. (Equivalent to using the Insert Top Activity command.)
  • If you use the Insert Top Activity command, the new activity becomes the parent of the previous top activity.
  • If you use the Add Child command, the parent of the new activity will be automatically set to the activity selected.
  • If you use the Indent command, the activity selected will become the child of the activity above.
  • If you use the Outdent command, the parent of the current parent will become the parent of the activities selected.
  • If you use progress invoicing the activities of type Work Package or Planning Package cannot be used.


General and Control
The code that uniquely identifies the project.
The way to characterize a project.

LN distinguishes these statuses:

  • Free
    A project definition has been recorded, but the project has not yet been executed. Changes are still possible.
  • Active
    During the execution of a project you can release, purchase, and register cost transactions.
  • Finished
    The project is completed but it has not (yet) been financially closed. You can still register cost transactions. Actual purchase orders cannot be present for the project.
  • Closed
    The project has been financially closed, the project definition can no longer be changed.
  • Archived
    The project is stored in an archive company. The project archive company can be used as a repository for historical project data.
The code that uniquely identifies the plan.
Activity Position
The activity's position number.
The code that uniquely defines the activity.
The description or name of the code.
Search Key
An alternative form of a description used for convenience during searching. Typically, it is an abbreviation, an acronym, or a mnemonic alternative to a full description.
The code that uniquely identifies the unit in which you specify the quantity of the activity.
Activity Type
The type of activity.

Allowed values

Type of Activity


LN uses activities of all types only if the All Activity Types checkbox in the General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session is selected, else, only the activities of the type Work Package are used.

Parent Activity
The activity that encompasses the child activity.

A tree activity structure is formed by linking an activity to a parent activity. If you select the parent, you must take the following conditions into account:

  • The parent of a WBS element is always a WBS element, unless it is from the top of the activity-structure.
  • The parent of a project cost-account is always a WBS element, unless the project cost-account is the top of the activity-structure.
  • The parent of a planning package is a project cost account or a planning package. If you do not use an organizational breakdown-structure, the parent of the planning package is either a WBS element, or a planning package that forms the top of the activity-structure.
  • The parent of the work package can be a work package, a planning package or a project cost-account. If you do not use an organizational breakdown-structure, the work package can have a WBS element, a planning package or a work package as its parents. Alternatively, the work package can itself form the top of the activity-structure.
OBS Element
The organizational breakdown-structure element that you want to link with a project cost-account.

This enables you to make an organizational unit or employee responsible for a subset of the overall project. This responsibility is expressed in the time-phased budget, in project scheduling, and in performance measurement.


You can link an OBS element to the activity only if the Use Organization Breakdown Structure checkbox in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session is selected.

The specific agreements within or in addition to the initial contract. An extension falls outside the initial contract with the sold-to business partner. Extensions can be assigned to the bottom-up budget.

LN distinguishes four extension types:

  • Scope Change
  • Provisional Amount
  • Fluctuation Settlement
  • Quantities to be Settled
Critical Capacity
In the Requirements Planning module, the critical capacity-type determines the cost type from which the percentage completed must be transferred from production progress to time-related progress.

Choose a critical capacity-type to specify the cost-type progress to be exchanged. This is necessary because the progress in the Project Progress module can be more detailed than the progress of the activity. The project control budget-type determines where this progress is taken from: either from the progress entered on elements or on activities.

Budget Status
The budget status of the activity. Only the Actual and Final status activities can be used for history and can be invoiced.
If this check box is selected, a text is present.
Phys. Progress Level
The default level at which progress is recorded.
Cost Control
If this check box is selected, you can include this activity in your cost control (report).
Work Authorization Status
The work authorization status of the activity.
On Hold Date
The date after which the work execution on the activity must be suspended.

The default value is the current date. The field is a display field.

Reason Code
The reason for holding the work execution of the activity.

This field is only available if the Work Authorization Status field is set to On Hold.

Capital Activity
If this check box is selected, the activity is assigned to a capital project.

If an activity is set to be capitalized, neither the child nor parent of the activity can be capitalized.

Asset Number

LN enables the asset number and extension fields only for projects of the type capital.

The description or name of the code.
Asset Extension
The asset extension number.
Invoicing Details
Progr. based Inv.
You can decide whether and how you want the progress installments of the activity to be invoiced.
Progress for Invoice
If the activity will be invoiced, the invoice type: Direct or Indirect. Otherwise, Not Applicable.
Group Indirect Work
The number of a group of costs that is related to indirect work.

This field is only available if the Progress based Invoicing field is set to Project Physical Progress. As a result, the Progress for Invoice field becomes Indirect.

Use Holdback
If this check box is selected, you can use holdback for this activity.
To be Settled
If this check box is selected, you can enter a settlement price.

This field is only available in a project with Invoice Type field set to Progress Invoice in the Project (tppdm6100m000) session.

If this check box is selected, the activity costs are billed to the customer.
Budget Details
The quantity needed for this activity.
Time Unit
The code that uniquely identifies the time unit.
Production Rate
The rate per production unit.
Number of Time Units
The number of time units.
Phys. Progress Quantity
This field is used for cost control purposes and progress recording.

If the invoice method is Unit Rate or Progress Invoice for the project, the progress quantity must be filled. This quantity can act as sales quantity for unit rate and progress invoicing by multiplying it with the sales price.

  • For a Unit Rate method the actual quantity can differ from the estimated quantity.
  • For the Progress Invoice method the progress must be equal to the physical progress quantity to be able to invoice the work.
Price Details
Sales Price
The home currency for the settled amount.
Sales Price
The default sales price, per unit, of the cost object.
Sales Price
One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts.

In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined:

Sales Price
The amount in the home currency.
Rate/Rate Factor
A charge or payment fixed according to a standard scale, for example, the currency rate of the transaction.
Rate/Rate Factor
The factor by which the amount in the transaction currency or the invoice currency is divided before LN converts it to a home currency. A rate factor is often used for currencies that have a relatively low price, for example, Korean Won.
Settlement Price
The home currency for the cost amount.
Settlement Price
If you decide later on in your project that the sales price you set on this activity is too high or too low, you can settle it here. The old price will remain only for display and comparison.
Settlement Price
One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts.

In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined:

Settlement Price
The amount in the home currency.
Rate/Rate Factor
The rate of the settlement price.
Rate/Rate Factor
The factor by which the amount in the transaction currency or the invoice currency is divided before LN converts it to a home currency. A rate factor is often used for currencies that have a relatively low price, for example, Korean Won.
Tracking Dates
Scheduled Start Date
Scheduled start date.
Scheduled Finish date
Scheduled finish date.
Actual Start Date
Actual start date.
Actual Finish Date
Actual finish date.
Constraint Type
The constraints/checks that are implemented for the MSP XML file of the external scheduling package.

There are 3 types of constraints:

  • Flexible : The activity can be performed as soon as possible or as late as possible.
  • Semi-flexible: The activity must start or end before/after the specified date.
  • Inflexible: The activity must start/end on the specified date.

Default value

By default, this field is set to As Soon As Possible.

Allowed values

The constraint types for the Microsoft project XML file are:

  • Flexible

    • As Soon As Possible:
      The external scheduling package schedules the activity as soon as possible based on the project activity start date. This is the default constraint type applicable for all the activities. The Constraint Date is not applicable.
    • As Late As Possible:
      The external scheduling package schedules the activity as late as possible based on the project activity finish date. This is the default constraint type applicable for all the activities. The Constraint Date is not applicable.
  • Semi-flexible

    • Start No Earlier Than:
      The activity is scheduled to start on or after the specified constraint date.
    • Start No Later Than:
      The activity is scheduled to start on or before the specified constraint date.
    • Finish No Earlier Than:
      The activity is scheduled to end on or after the specified constraint date.
    • Finish No Later Than:
      The activity is scheduled to end on or before the specified constraint date.
  • Inflexible

    • Must Start On:
      The activity is scheduled to start on the specified constraint date.
    • Must Finish On:
      The activity is scheduled to end on the specified constraint date.
Constraint Date
The date specified for the constraint type.

This field is disabled if the Constraint Type field is set to As Soon As Possible or As Late As Possible.

Deadline Date
The date by which the scheduled activity must be completed.

This field is considered only by the external scheduling package.

Schedule Percentage Complete
This is the scheduled progress for the activity, and must not be confused with the actual physical progress.

If you work with a external scheduling package, the planning package can fill this field with the scheduled progress. You can copy this progress to the physical progress with the Generate Physical Progress from Planning (tpppc1240m000) session.

Scheduled Start Date is Changed
If this check box is selected, you changed the scheduled start date of the activity. To recalculate the requirement date for your control data you must run the Generate Planned PRP Orders (tppss6200m000) session.

If you made any other changes in this session, you must also run Generate Control Data (tpptc1230m000).


After you have run the Generate Control Data (tpptc1230m000), this check box is cleared.

Earned Value Tracking
Earned Value Method
The earned value method is a way to calculate the planned value.
Linked Activity
If the earned value method is apportioned, you can link an activity to this activity.
Priority Supply Warehouse
The warehouse that receives the deliveries for more than one project. The goods are sent from the priority supply warehouse to the project warehouse. The value is defaulted from the Priority Supply Warehouse field in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session.

For a project, when an activity is performed at multiple locations, it is easier to transfer goods when the warehouse is also defined at the Activity/Element level.

ERP uses the following search path to check inventory, when generating PRP orders:

  1. The inventory in the Priority Supply Warehouse defined in the Activity (tppss2100m000)/Element (tpptc1100s000) session.
  2. The inventory in the Priority Supply Warehouse defined in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session.
The description or name of the code.
Project Location
The location for the project's activity. For example, the construction site.
Def. Proj. Warehouse
A warehouse that only stores goods that are used for projects. In contradiction to a normal warehouse goods are administrated for a project and its details. The goods in the default project warehouse represent inventory value. The inventory value of a project warehouse is not part of the project costs. When the goods are transferred to the project, they add to the project costs. A project warehouse can be used by one or more projects.
Standard Activity
If the project activity entered in this session does not have the required data, the defaults of this standard activity will be displayed.
Reference Activity
Reference Activity
The smallest unit of work that is required to carry out maintenance.
The number of times a reference activity occurs as a part of project activity.
Apply Frequency to
The method in which the frequency of a reference activity as part of the project activity must be used:

Allowed values

Apply Frequency To


Print Activities
Starts the Print Activities (tppss2400m000) session which prints a selected range of activities.