Material Costs (tpppc2111s000)

Use this session to maintain material costs manually entered for a project.

This session shows the cost transactions that are not posted to Financials and the project history by the Process Transactions (tpppc4802m000) session.

If this session is started from the menu in the Costs (tpppc2811m000) session, you cannot maintain financial data for any transaction entered in this session.


Material Costs
The project code.
The element code.
The work authorization status of the element.
The activity code.
The work authorization status of the activity.
The item code.
Effectivity Unit
The effectivity unit code. This is a display field.
The description or name of the code.
Sequence Number
The number that identifies a data record or a step in a sequence of activities. Sequence numbers are used in many contexts. Usually LN generates the sequence number for the next item or step. Depending on the context, you can overwrite this number. You can sometimes influence the numbering by setting the corresponding parameters.
The extension code.
The extension's current processing status.
Cost Component
The amount of material.
The unit of measure in which the quantity is expressed.
Cost Price
The transaction currency code.
Cost Price
The unit cost.

By default, this is the cost price determined according to the Determine Cost Price/Purchase Price method.

If you change the value of this field, the value for the Cost Amount field is calculated:

cost amount = quantity * cost price 

In case of a transaction posted from Financials to Project, the cost price is determined on the basis of the amount that is still outstanding.

Cost Amount
The total costs. If you change the generated cost amount, then the unit-cost rate is automatically adjusted.
Rate/Rate Factor
The home currency. Click Rotate Currency to see the amount in the other home currencies.
Rate/Rate Factor
The cost amount in the home currency. Click Rotate Currency to see the amount in the other home currencies.
Currency Rate/Rate Factor
The currency rate that you entered in the Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000) session is used and displayed here.
Rate/Rate Factor
The factor by which the amount in the transaction currency or the invoice currency is divided before LN converts it to a home currency. A rate factor is often used for currencies that have a relatively low price, for example, Korean Won.
Sales Price
The project currency used to express the sales price..

The contract line (CLIN) currency is the default currency used for the cost plus invoice lines. The sales price on the billable cost lines is calculated based on the CLIN currency using the sales rate defined for the contract lines.

Sales Price
The sales price per unit code.
Sales Amount
The total sales amount.

If you change the automatically generated sales amount, the value of the Sales Rate field is automatically adjusted, as follows:

sales rate = sales amount / no. of hours 
If this check box is selected, the transaction is allowed to be invoiced to the customer.

By default, this check box is selected if the Invoice Type field in the Project (tppdm6100m000) session is set to Cost Plus and the Invoice Calculation Method field in the Extension (tpptc0110s000) session is set to Actual Costs.

Rate/Rate Factor
The home currency. Click Rotate Currency to see the amount in the other home currencies.
Rate/Rate Factor
One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts.

In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined:

Currency Rate/Rate Factor
The currency rate to convert the transaction currency to the home currency that is displayed.
Rate/Rate Factor
The factor by which the amount in the transaction currency or the invoice currency is divided before LN converts it to a home currency. A rate factor is often used for currencies that have a relatively low price, for example, Korean Won.
Registration Date
The transaction date (voucher date) is used to find the correct currency rate in the Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000) session.
Cost Control Period
The cost control year in which the transaction must be posted to the project history. The default value is the registration date.
The cost control period in which the transaction must be posted to the project history. The default value is the registration date.
Enterprise Unit
The enterprise unit responsible for the delivery that is specified on the transaction line. The enterprise unit can differ from the project enterprise unit, because you can have intercompany transactions.
Fiscal Period
The fiscal year in which the transaction is posted to Financials.

The default value for this field is the current fiscal year.

The fiscal period in which the transaction is posted to Financials.

The default value for this field is the current fiscal year.

A user-defined number that can be used to collect invoice lines.
Posting Data
Posting Type
The posting type shows both the origin of the transaction and the accounts on which the transaction posted to Financials is based.
Transaction Time
The date and time the transaction was created.
The logon code of the user who entered the transaction.
Buy-from Bus. Par.
The buy-from business partner code.
Invoice-from Bus. P.
The business partner that sends invoices to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about your organization's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-to business partner.
The code that identifies the warehouse from where the item is procured.
Settlement Origin
If this check box is selected, the transaction is posted as the outcome of a fluctuation settlement. This transaction cannot be included in cost control.
Post to LN Financials
Indicates whether the transaction must be posted to Financials. On saving a new record, this field automatically gets the value of the Financials (TF) check box in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
Approved for Posting
If this check box is selected, the transaction can be processed in Financials and/or in the project history. If errors that block the posting process are found, the check box is cleared.
If this check box is selected, a text is present.
Delivering Company
The value of this field is part of the financial document number that is used for manually-entered invoices in Financials that are posted to Project.
Transaction Type Financial Transaction
If a financial transaction is posted from Financials to Project, LN fills the document number. You cannot maintain the value of this field in Project.
If a financial transaction is posted from Financials to Project, LN fills the document number. The document number cannot be maintained in Project.
Line Number
If a financial transaction is posted from Financials to Project, LN fills this line number. The line number cannot be maintained in Project.
Sequence Number Finance
If a financial transaction is posted from Financials to Project, LN fills this sequence number. The sequence number cannot be maintained in Project.
Target Line Number
The line number assigned to the transaction in Financials in the case of a current account analysis. This line number cannot be maintained in Project. If a financial transaction is posted from Financials to Project, LN fills the line number.


Default Cost Price Item
Use this function to read default cost price data for the item.
Remaining Quantity
Use this function to read the default cost price for the item into the displayed record.
Default Sales Price Item
Use this function to read the default sales price for the item into the selected record.
Remaining Amount
Use this function to read the remaining material amount for this item into the displayed record.
Print Costs
Starts the Print Costs (tpppc2411m000) session which prints the cost transactions for a project.