Generate Installments (tppin4251m000)

Use this session to select a range of installments to be invoiced.

The project status must be Active or Finished and the installment cannot be closed.

Planned invoice date and actual invoice date

The following options must be considered when using the Set Invoicable field:

Planned invoice date of installment:


finished activity

If the triggering activity is 100% complete or if the triggering milestone is reached, you can invoice installments.

  • The installment is linked to an activity, and the activity is set to 100% complete. The planned invoice date of the installment is required, and the Approved for Invoicing check box in the Installments (tppin4151m000) session is selected in situation a, b, and c.
  • The installment is linked to a milestone, and the milestone is set to Final. The planned invoice date is required, and the Approved for Invoicing check box in the Installments (tppin4151m000) session is selected in situation a, b, and c.
  • If the installment is not linked to an activity or milestone, this situation is not applicable.


If the planned invoice date is earlier than or the same as the actual invoice date, you can invoice installments.

  • The installment is linked to an activity (percentage complete is not applicable). The actual start and finish dates of the linked activity are not used. The Approved for Invoicing check box in the Installments (tppin4151m000) session is selected in situation a and b. Because the planned invoice date of c is after the actual invoice date, c is not used.
  • The installment is linked to a milestone, which must be set to Final. Otherwise, no data will be found. By setting the milestone to Final, you can create a fixed amount of time between the milestone and sending the invoice. (For example, three days after the milestone is reached, the invoice can be sent). The Approved for Invoicing check box in the Installments (tppin4151m000) session is selected in situation a and b. Because the planned invoice date of c is later than the actual invoice date, c is not used.
  • If the installment is not linked to an activity or milestone, the Approved for Invoicing check box in the Installments (tppin4151m000) session is selected in situation a and b. Because the planned invoice date of c is after the actual invoice date, c is not used.


Selection Range
The From and To fields define a range of: Contracts.

The total contract amount can be split into installments with the corresponding amounts, based on the contract amount and the schedule.

Contract Line
The From and To fields define a range of: Contract Line.

The project linked to the contract line, the top element and the default control account or work package defined for the project is used for the installment. The planned invoice date can be calculated based on the invoice date of the schedule and either the Contract Award Date or a Specific Date.

Example A contract line amount is 10.000. Installment schedule is split into 35, 60 and 5 percent with the invoice day as 5, 30 and 45. While generating installments the amounts will be 3.500, 6.000 and 500. The planned invoice date is calculated by taking the contract or the specific date and adding 5 days for the first, 30 for the second and 45 for the last installment.

The From and To fields define a range of: projects.
Sold-to Bus. Partner
The From and To fields define a range of: sold-to business partners.
Installment No.
The From and To fields define a range of: installments.
New Installments from Schedule
If this check box is selected, LN generates installments based on the schedule defined in the Installment Schedules (tcmcs2140m000) session.

The defined schedule is linked to the contract line and is used to generate installments.

Invoice Start Date
The date when the installment invoicing starts.

Allowed values

Invoice Start Date.

The date you specify for the installment invoicing to start.

This field is enabled only if the Invoice Start Date field is set to Specific Date.

Use Element
If this check box is selected, you can use standard elements to generate installments for the project.

This field is enabled only if the New Installments from Schedule checkbox is selected.

The code that identifies the standard element using which LN generates the installments.

This field is enabled only if the New Installments from Schedule checkbox is selected.

The description or name of the code.
Use Activity
If this check box is selected, you can use standard activities to generate installments for the project.

This field is enabled only if the New Installments from Schedule checkbox is selected.

The code that identifies the standard activity using which LN generates the installments.

This field is enabled only if the New Installments from Schedule checkbox is selected.

The description or name of the code.
Process Report
If this check box is selected, LN prints the process report.
Set Installments billable on
If this check box is selected, the installments within the specified range are set to billable in the specified period.
Set Billable on
The period during which the installments are set to billable.

Allowed values

Set Billable on.

Actual Invoice Date
If the Planned Invoice Date field is earlier than the date and time of this field, the installment is set to invoiceable.

This field is enabled only if the Set Billable on field is set to Specific Date.


Generates the installments to be invoiced.