Project - Cost Control Levels (tppdm6102m000)

Use this session to indicate the levels on which cost control must be performed for a project.

  • You can call this session by zooming from the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session. The settings of these levels determine how the Build Actual Cost Control (tpppc4803m000) session works.
  • Use the General Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session to set the default cost control levels to be used when new projects are created.


The code that identifies the project.
The description or name of the code.
The status of the project.
Cost Control Level
Each line in the list represents a cost control level. The check boxes in the Cost Control column indicate whether or not cost control is performed for a level. You can enter several cost control levels. These levels, combined with the Cost Control field and the cost registration level determine the way LN generates control data.
Cost Control
The check boxes in this column indicate whether or not cost control is performed for the cost control levels specified in the Cost Control Level column.