Creating a project

Before you create a project using either a template or the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session, define the parameters.

Fill the project data management sessions that you want to use for your project, assuming you entered all the necessary common data.

Define a general project in the General Projects (tcmcs0552m000) session to make sure that a PCS project does not use the same code, and then choose a code for a project. Consult the session Help and field Help to correctly enter the project fields. If you want to define a project, note that the following fields are mandatory:

  • Address Code Project
    In the United States this code is mandatory if you use the project tax provider. This address is also used as delivery address for ordered items, equipment, and subcontracting.
  • Enterprise Unit
    Enter the enterprise unit to which this project belongs.
  • Hierarchy Type
    Select one of these types: Main Project, Single Project, or Subproject. If you use the Subproject type and enter the main project code, you can enter costs and the budget on the subproject and aggregate them to the main project.
  • Organization Breakdown Structure
    The organizational breakdown structure can only be used in combination with the activity structure.
  • Internal Project

    If this check box is selected, the project is an internal project. Example: a training program for the employees.

    Next to the simple internal project, you can create a capital project by selecting the Internal Project and the Capital Project check boxes. Example: constructing production facilities for a new product line.

  • Contract Execution
    One of the reasons to choose for Main Contracting is that you can use the Dutch WKA law.
  • Priority Supply Warehouse
    A warehouse where items are ordered from during the PRP. If the priority supply warehouse has not enough items in stock, you can use another normal warehouse. The normal warehouse is mostly nearest to the site. The goods are sent from the priority supply warehouse to the project warehouse or to the project.
  • Budget by Element or Activity
    Determines the leading budget.
  • Control By Element or Activity
    A control budget is the frozen state of the project budget. Decide whether cost control, progress control, forecasts, and project requirement planning is on element or activity. If you select element project control, you cannot link an activity budget to your elements and you cannot plan your activities.

Save your project and, in the Project 360 (tppdm6500m100) session, on the appropriate menu, select Project - Cost Control Levels. If you only want to monitor one of your type of cost levels, clear all the other cost control levels. Enter the business partners you want to use in your project and enter the contract amount. If you want to change the top activity of the activity structure later on because you did not want to use the Default Activity for Several Purposes that was entered in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session, you can do so in the Activities (tppss2100m000) session. Go to the appropriate menu and choose the Insert Top Activity command.

Project status

A project has a Free status when all its data is entered including the element and or activity structure. If this data is entered you must set the status to Active to actually be able to work with these project data:

  • Book costs
  • Freeze the budget
  • Order goods and services
  • Register hours
  • Register progress

Go to the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session and, on the appropriate menu, choose Project Status. Then, in the Project Status (tppdm6107s000) session, change the status to Active.

After creating the project, the logical next step is to work on: