To use progress processing

You can register project progress for:

  • Elements (element, element/cost type, element/cost object).
  • Activities (activity, activity/cost type, activity/cost object).
  • Extensions (extension/cost type, extension/cost object). You can use the progress to determine the quantities and performed costs and carry out invoicing. Use the registration of progress at the element, activity or extension level for project invoicing and monitoring. Only activity progress can also be used for performance measurement.

element progress You can globally update progress for a range of elements, activities, specific cost types, or all cost types. You can register progress based on generated control data. If your generated control data is based on elements, you can register progress on elements. This is the case if in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session:

  • The control budget reads elements
  • The project budget reads elements, but the control budget reads activities (the control data will read elements as well as activities). However, if your generated control data is only based on elements, you cannot register the activity progress.

Use the Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000) session to enter the progress of a selected element. This globally updates the progress of all the cost types or cost objects of the element. You can enter the progress either as quantities or as percentages. You must first choose Read in Elements from the Specific menu to read in the project elements that you want to control and their budget quantities. Use the Generate Physical Progress by Element/Cost Object (tpppc1128m000) session to enter the progress of budget lines for each cost type for a selected element or element range. Use the Physical Progress by Element/Cost Type (tpppc1129s000) session to enter the specific progress of one or more budget lines according to cost type, for a selected element. Use the optional Generate Physical Progress Master Data by Element/Activity (tpppc1110m000) session to generate an empty progress line for each budget line of the selected elements. This makes entering the progress in the Use the Physical Progress (tpppc1821m000) session easier. Note LN generates a progress line for the elements for which the Progress Registration field is Element/Control Code and the Progress check box is selected in the Element (tpptc1100s000) session. Use the Physical Progress (tpppc1821m000) session to select a session in which you enter the progress of individual cost objects for an element. For example, you can generate the progress in the Generate Physical Progress by Element/Cost Object (tpppc1128m000) session and then use the Physical Progress (tpppc1821m000) session to enter the exceptions or the corrections to the generated progress data. The following sessions are available:

  • Physical Progress by Element/Material (tpppc1520m000)
  • Physical Progress by Element/Labor (tpppc1522m000)
  • Physical Progress by Element/Equipment (tpppc1524m000)
  • Physical Progress by Element/Subcontracting (tpppc1526m000)
  • Physical Progress by Element/Sundry Cost (tpppc1500m000)

activity progress The progress of activities can be derived from the planning progress. You can register progress based on generated control data. If your generated control data is based on activities, you can register progress on activities. This is the case if in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session:

  • The control budget reads activities.
  • The project budget reads activities, but the control budget reads elements (the control data reads elements as well as activities). Activity progress allows you to view the time-based progress of the accompanying PCS project. You can link milestones to customized items in the project. You can report the progress for each customized item in the PCS product structure to the Project project.

Use the Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1560m000) session to enter the progress of a selected activity. You can enter the progress either as quantities or as percentages. You must first choose Read in Activities from the Specific menu to read in the project activities that you want to control and their budget quantities. Use the Generate Physical Progress by Activity/Cost Object (tpppc1148m000) session to enter the progress of budget lines for each cost type for a selected activity or activity range. Use the Physical Progress by Activity/Cost Type (tpppc1149s000) session to enter the specific progress of one or more budget lines according to cost type, for a selected activity. If an earned value method is used, activity progress is also generated to the cost objects, and is used on the cost type level for performance measurement. Use the optional Generate Physical Progress Master Data by Element/Activity (tpppc1110m000) session to generate an empty progress line for each budget line of the selected activities. This makes entering the progress in the Physical Progress (tpppc1821m000) sessions easier. Use the Physical Progress (tpppc1821m000) session to select a subsession in which you enter the progress of individual cost objects for an activity. For example, you can generate the progress in the Generate Physical Progress by Activity/Cost Object (tpppc1148m000) session and then use the Physical Progress (tpppc1821m000) session to enter the exceptions or the corrections to the progress data generated. The following sessions are available:

  • Physical Progress by Activity/Material (tpppc1540m000)
  • Physical Progress by Activity/Labor (tpppc1541m000)
  • Physical Progress by Activity/Equipment (tpppc1542m000)
  • Physical Progress by Activity/Subcontracting (tpppc1543m000)
  • Physical Progress by Activity/Sundry Cost (tpppc1544m000)

extension progress The progress of an extension is its degree of completion expressed in percentages. You record the progress of an extension by cost type or by cost object. This is a two-step process. 1 First you can optionally run the appropriate session to generate progress lines for the selected extensions in the control budget. You can enter the progress percentage for each cost type. Generating the progress lines in this way makes entering the actual progress easier. 2 Next, you enter exceptions or corrections to the generated progress at cost type or at cost object/control code level in the appropriate sessions. The procedure's results The result of this procedure is a set of data that shows the progress of the extensions in the control budget. You can use this data in monitoring and forecasting.

To record the progress of an extension To record the progress of an extension, you can use one or more of the following sessions, depending on what you want to do. Use the Generate Physical Progress by Extension/Cost Object (tpppc1188m000) session to enter the progress of budget lines, for each cost type, for a selected extension or extension range. Use the Physical Progress by Extension/Cost Type (tpppc1189s000) session to enter the specific progress of one or more budget lines according to cost type, for a selected extension. Use the optional Generate Physical Progress Master Data by Extension (tpppc1170m000) session to generate an empty progress line for each budget line of the selected extensions. This makes entering the progress in the Physical Progress by Extension/Labor (tpppc1582m000) session easier. Use the Physical Progress by Extension/Labor (tpppc1582m000) session to select a session in which you enter the progress of individual cost objects for an extension. For example, you can generate the progress in the Generate Physical Progress by Extension/Cost Object (tpppc1188m000) and then use the Physical Progress by Extension/Labor (tpppc1582m000) session to enter the exceptions or the corrections to the generated progress data. The following sessions are available:

  • Physical Progress by Extension/Material (tpppc1580m000)
  • Physical Progress by Extension/Labor (tpppc1582m000)
  • Physical Progress by Extension/Equipment (tpppc1584m000)
  • Physical Progress by Extension/Subcontracting (tpppc1586m000)
  • Physical Progress by Extension/Sundry Cost (tpppc1587m000)

Generate progress Besides manually entering progress you can also generate progress: You can generate progress from related data or you can generate progress from the project plan as defined in the Requirements Planning module. Depending on what you plan to do, use the following sessions to generate project progress:

  • Use the Generate Activity Physical Progress from Element Physical Progress (tpppc1254m000) session to generate activity progress from the element progress.
  • Use the Generate Extension Physical Progress from Element Progress (tpppc1171m000) session to generate progress for the selected extension(s) based on the element progress.
  • Use the Generate Extension Physical Progress from Activity Progress (tpppc1255m000) session to generate progress for the selected extension(s) based on the progress of the elements.
  • Use the Generate Physical Progress from Planning (tpppc1240m000) session to copy the activity progress (that you maintain in the project planning) to the actual activity progress and to the actual element progress.
  • Use the Generate Physical Progress in Planning (tpppc1250m000) session to copy element or activity progress (from production) to activity progress (in planning).
  • Use the Clear Physical Progress (tpppc1205m000) session to delete progress data for a selected project. For example, for a project without data or that has not been maintained since a specified date.

If progress is entered and or generated you can do the following:

  • Create invoices in the Invoicing module on the basis of the progress or costs. If a project invoice is printed in the Invoicing module, the revenues for these invoices are automatically transferred to the Project Progress module.

Reports The control reports in the monitoring part of the Project Progress module are based on the progress, revenues, and costs (only unit rate- and progress invoicing).

  • Costs and revenues are posted to the General Ledger module.
  • The performance measurement needs activity progress by activity/cost type when the earned value method is percentage completed.
  • Monitoring looks at the progress at cost object level.