Launch Estimate to Budget (tpest2200m000)

Use this session to launch a budget from the estimate line. The budget lines must be deleted, because the launched estimate lines do not overwrite the budget lines. All estimate-version structure types cannot be launched.


On the Defaults tab, you must enter values for the default fields. These values are used if LN cannot find the values in the estimate version and tries to launch the estimate project.


To include the indirect cost/surcharges in an estimate version, you must either set the surcharge amount on the budget lines to zero, or modify the estimate lines with indirect cost to direct costs, when you launch an estimate. Use the sundry costs to update the budget with the surcharges. In the Launch as Sundry Lines group box, select the Surcharge Amount, Escalation Amount, and the Contingency Amount check boxes to balance the total value of the estimate and the budget.


Launch Estimate
The project code.
The project status. To launch an estimate to a project budget, the project status must be Free or Active.
The estimate version status can be Free or Final if you launch an estimate.

If the estimate-version status is Free, you can add structures to the estimate version, change the version amount, and so on. For example, you can still change the primary structure for one of the other additionally added structures.

If the estimate-version status is Final, the estimate version is frozen. You can only change the status back to Free and/or change the sort structure.

Launch Options
Top-Down Budget
If this check box is selected, the top-down budget is launched.
Element Budget
If this check box is selected, the element budget is launched.
Activity Budget
If this check box is selected, an activity budget is launched.
Relaunch Estimate lines
If this check box is selected, you can relaunch estimate lines.

In the budget, you must delete the previously launched estimate lines.

Explode Reference Activity to Budget
If this check box is selected, LN checks the reference activity and creates budget lines based on the resources linked to the reference activity and the mapping defined for the resources and the project cost objects.

If this check box is cleared, LN links the reference activity to the project activity. To link multiple reference activities to a project activity, LN creates additional activities that are linked to each reference activity.

Launch as Sundry Lines
Surcharge Amount
If this check box is selected, the surcharge amounts of the estimate are added as a budget line with the Sundry Costs cost type.
Surcharge Amount
The surcharge amounts of the estimate are added as a budget line with the Sundry Costs cost type.
Escalation Amount
If this check box is selected, the escalation amounts of the estimate are added as budget lines with the Sundry Costs cost type.
Escalation Amount
The escalation amount of the estimate added as budget lines with the Sundry Costs cost type.
Contingency Amount
If this check box is selected, the contingency amount of the estimate is added to the project as a budget line with the Sundry Costs cost type.
Contingency Amount
The contingency amount of the estimate is added to the project as a budget line with the Sundry Costs cost type.
Budget Version
The top-down budget version.
The plan code. The plan can differ from the plan of the estimate version. However, the plan must be the project’s leading plan.
The extension code. The estimate lines of this extension are launched as budget lines.

You can link an extension only if you have linked a structure of type Extension in the Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000) session.

Report Options
Information Messages
If this check box is selected, a process report is printed which displays the information and error messages that occur during launching. All information and error messages can be viewed in the Message Log (tpest0505m000) session.
If this check box is selected, a process report is printed which displays the information and error messages that occur during launching. All information and error messages can be viewed in the Message Log (tpest0505m000) session.
Budget Data
The element linked to the project.
The activity linked to the project.
Cost Component

The default cost component used as a budget line cost component. You can do so only if:

  • You do not use a cost-component structure.
  • No cost object is used on the launched estimate line.

If a new cost object is generated because the estimate line cost object is empty and if the check boxes in the Cost Object Generation group box are selected, the cost component for the budget line is taken from the default cost component. Note that the project cost control levels in the Project - Cost Control Levels (tppdm6102m000) session must be selected for the cost component level.

Cost Type
The default cost type for estimate lines which do not have a cost type specified on the line.
Budget Status
The status of the budget lines created by the launch of the estimate to budget.
Cost Object
If the cost type is Materials and the estimate line does not have a cost object, budget lines will be created for this cost object.
If the cost type is Labor and the estimate line does not have a cost object, budget lines will be created for this cost object.
If the cost type is Equipment and the estimate line does not have a cost object, budget lines will be created for this cost object.
If the cost type is Subcontracting and the estimate line does not have a cost object, budget lines will be created for this cost object.
Sundry Cost
If the cost type is Sundry Costs and the estimate line does not have a cost object, budget lines will be created for this cost object.
The unit code.

Units are decided based on the units specified in the estimate lines. If the unit specified is different from the units of the standard cost object then based on the user’s input on the launch form new cost object is generated

Time Unit
The time unit code.

Units are decided based on the units specified in the estimate lines. If the unit specified is different from the units of the standard cost object then based on the user’s input on the launch form new cost object is generated

Cost Object Generation
Cost Object Not Filled
If this check box is selected, with an empty cost object code on the estimate line, a default code is generated, or a default cost object is used to generate a project-specific cost object.
If this check box is selected, with an empty cost object code on the estimate line, a default code is generated, or a default cost object is used to generate a project-specific cost object.
If this check box is selected, with an empty cost object code on the estimate line, a default code is generated, or a default cost object is used to generate a project-specific cost object.
If this check box is selected, with an empty cost object code on the estimate line, a default code is generated, or a default cost object is used to generate a project-specific cost object.
Sundry Costs
If this check box is selected, with an empty cost object code on the estimate line, a default code is generated, or a default cost object is used to generate a project-specific cost object.
Cost Object of type 'Control Code'
If this check box is selected, the corresponding values entered in the Number Group and Series group box in the General Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session are used. As a result, when a control code is linked to an estimate line, a new cost object code is generated by adding a sequence number to the control code. The length of the sequence number depends on the maximum length value, and on the length of the cost object code that is defined in the data dictionary.
If this check box is selected, the corresponding values entered in the Number Group and Series group box in the General Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session are used. As a result, when a control code is linked to an estimate line, a new cost object code is generated by adding a sequence number to the control code. The length of the sequence number depends on the maximum length value, and on the length of the cost object code that is defined in the data dictionary.

LN always assigns the next free sequence number to the control code.

If this check box is selected, the corresponding values entered in the Number Group and Series group box in the General Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session are used. As a result, when a control code is linked to an estimate line, a new cost object code is generated by adding a sequence number to the control code. The length of the sequence number depends on the maximum length value, and on the length of the cost object code that is defined in the data dictionary.

For example, control code 20 appears twice and the length of the sequence is two digits. The codes 2001 and 2002 are generated. The maximum number of positions of the equipment code is 10. The original code entered in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session must contain less than 10 positions so that a sequence number can be assigned.

If this check box is selected, the corresponding values entered in the Number Group and Series group box in the General Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session are used. As a result, when a control code is linked to an estimate line, a new cost object code is generated by adding a sequence number to the control code. The length of the sequence number depends on the maximum length value, and on the length of the cost object code that is defined in the data dictionary.
Sundry Costs
If this check box is selected, the corresponding values entered in the Number Group and Series group box in the General Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session are used. As a result, when a control code is linked to an estimate line, a new cost object code is generated by adding a sequence number to the control code. The length of the sequence number depends on the maximum length value, and on the length of the cost object code that is defined in the data dictionary.
Conversion Factors
Conversion Factors
The conversion factor for the item.

Allowed values

  • Yes: LN copies the conversion factors to the target item, and approves them directly.
  • No: LN copies the conversion factors to the target item. However, you must use the Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000) session, to approve the conversion factors manually.
  • Not Applicable: LN copies the conversion factors to the target item. The approved conversion factors remain approved, and the unapproved conversion factors remain unapproved.


Launches the estimate to the budget.
Message Log
Starts the Message Log (tpest0505m000) session which displays the messages that are created during the top-down consistency check, or during the launch to budget process.