Possible values

  • Manual

    The price for an estimate line is entered manually.

  • Excel

    The price for an estimate line is calculated in Excel on field level.

  • Price Books

    Valid for an item, cost type equipment and subcontracting: the price is calculated from the price books (price matrix and search sequence) or the purchase contract.

  • Configurator

    The price of the configurator item is specified. The product variant of the generic item on the estimate line is used.

  • Cost Object
    • Cost price or purchase price.
    • Purchase price of item purchase data.
    • Cost price of item costing data.
    • Purchase contract price of project..
    • Cost price of wage rate as defined in the Labor Rates (tcppl0191m000) session.
  • Wage Rate

    This rate is based on the labor rates defined in the Labor Rate Code - Rates (tcppl0191m000) or the Labor Rates by Business Partner and Project (tcppl0192m000) session.