Report Orders Completed (tisfc0120s000)

Use this session to to display orders that must be reported as complete, or that were already reported as complete.

If the production order has a distribution that contains project pegs, the report-complete-process will calculate for each distribution line the quantity that needs to be reported complete or rejected.


Production Order
The item produced in the production order.
Item Description
The description of the item.
The warehouse in which the products are stored.

Allowed values

When quantities are reported as completed, LN checks whether

Serial Number
The unique identification of a single physical item. LN uses a mask to generate the serial number. The serial number can consist of multiple data segments that represent, for example, a date, model and color information, sequence number, and so on.

Serial numbers can be generated for items and for tools.

Effectivity Unit
A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.

When the production order has no project pegs reporting is done on a specific effectivity unit.

When the order distribution contains both project pegs and effectivity units this field is not accessible.

If this check box is selected, text that you have written for the order will be shown in the report.
Quantities to Do
Additional Quantity to Deliver
The part of the quantity in the Ordered field you want to report completed.

After you enter a (positive or negative) quantity in the Additional Qty to Deliver field, and save the record, LN asks whether it must process the inbound procedure automatically when it activates the warehouse order receipts. If you select Yes, LN adds the quantity you enter to the quantity in the Delivered field, and clears the Additional Qty to Deliver field and the Qty to Deliver field.

If you select No, LN adds the quantity you entered in the Additional Qty to Deliver field to the quantity in the Qty to Deliver field, which is the cumulative value of the part of the production order to be completed. LN unblocks the warehousing-order line so that it can be processed in Warehousing. At the moment the corresponding warehouse orders are processed in the Warehouse Orders module of Warehousing, LN clears the Qty to Deliver field in the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0120s000) session, and adds the quantity of the related warehouse order to Delivered field.

As long as the operation status is not Completed, you can enter a quantity that is greater than the quantity reported as completed for the last operation in the Additional Qty to Deliver field. LN adjusts the planning accordingly.


If the warehouse in which the end items of the production order are stored is WMS controlled, inbound and outbound procedures cannot be processed automatically.

Quantity to Deliver
The cumulative value of the part of the production order that is waiting to be delivered to inventory.

Allowed values

When Warehousing finishes the inbound procedure for the delivered items, LN adds the value of the Quantity to Deliver field to the Delivered field, and sets the Quantity to Deliver field back to zero.

To Reject
The quantity of the manufactured item that must be rejected because it is faulty.

This field can only be filled manually if no operations are linked to a production order.

If backflushing is applied, reporting a quantity as rejected results in the issue of a corresponding quantity of materials.

As soon as Warehousing finishes the outbound procedure for these materials, the value of the To Reject field is added to the Quantity Rejected field and the To Reject field is set to zero.

To Backflush
This quantity remains to be backflushed, based on the delivered and rejected quantities of the production order.

If the production order has operations, this field is not used. Instead, backflushing is performed by operation based on the quantities of the production order operations that are reported as completed and rejected for.

Related topics

Inventory Unit
The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Completion Info
Lot Code
Enter the lot to which the completed products belong.

You must enter the lot in this field, if the Lot Controlled check box in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session is selected.

Related topics

Order Status
The order status of the production order.

Allowed values

Order Status

Delivery Date
The date and time of the last occasion that finished items were transferred to the warehouse. If the production order has received the Completed status, the delivery date equals the date in the Completion Date field.
Completion Date
The date the order is reported as complete.

Default value

The default value is the current date. You can also enter a date in the past.

Related topics

Print Label during Report Orders Completed
If this check box is selected, labels are printed for the production orders that are completed using this session.
The reason for the rejection. Use a reason with reason type Rejection of Production Result.

To define the reasons for rejection, use the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.

Quantities Done
On Last Operation
The value of the quantity planned output field in the Production Planning (tisfc0110m000) session for the final operation for the production order.
The order quantity to be produced.
The quantity of finished goods posted to inventory.
The quantity of the produced items that has been rejected.

These rejects consist of the following parts:

  • The rejected quantities entered in the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) or Report Orders Completed (tisfc0520m000) sessions.
  • The quantities rejected in Quality.

Related topics

The quantity of the manufactured item that is backflushed based on the delivered and rejected quantities of the production order.

If the production order has operations, this field is not used. Instead, backflushing is performed by operation, based on the quantities of the production order for operations that are reported as completed and rejected

Related topics

Order Distribution Present
If this check box is selected, this production order has one or more distribution lines with project pegs and/or effectivity units in the Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000) session.
Operations Present
If this check box is selected, the production order has at least one operation.
Rework Order
If this check box is selected, the production order is a rework order.

Related topics

Operations Blocked
If this check box is selected, the production order has an operation that is blocked, which means that the production order cannot be reported as complete.

Related topics

Standard Inspection Orders
If this check box is selected, an inspection order is present for production order.

Related topics


Determine Minimum and Maximum Quantities
Click to determine the minimum and maximum quantities that can be reported.
Generate Lot
Generates a lot number.
Production Order Distribution
Retrieve As-Built Default Quantities
Click to retrieve the quantity of serialized items with status Assigned from the Serial End Item - As-Built Headers (timfc0110m000) session.
Serial End Item - As-Built Headers
Report all Eff.Units at once as planned
Completes the production order's effectivity units at the same time instead of one by one.

This command is available only if:

Uncomplete All Operations
Changes the operation status for all operations of a production order from Completed to Active.
Decrease Qty Operations
Decreases the quantity completed of the production order's operations. For more information, see To decrease the completed quantities from operations collectively.
Production Warehouse Orders
Print Production Order Documents