Calculate Norm Time (tirou0230m000)

Use this session to calculate the cycle time or production rate of an operation in the Routing Operations (tirou1102m000) session. LN calculates the values by means of a norm table.

LN determines all possible norm times for operations by interpolation between the minimum and maximum values for the two axes.

You can also specify a factor to calculate the norm time, for example, the number of holes to be drilled.


Norm Table
A table that contains the times required to perform a task (norm times), or the numbers of times that a task can be performed in a specific unit of time (norm units). The norm times or norm units depend on two series of values presented in the columns (X-axis) and the rows (Y-axis) of the table.

The time that it costs to drill a hole depends on the material's thickness, and the hole's diameter. A norm table that contains norm times can look like this:

Thickness (mm)
Diameter (mm)1234


The norm time to drill a hole with diameter 1.0 in a material with thickness 2 is 2.5.

Norm Time Table Type
Allowed values:
X-Axis Description
The actual physical quantity on the x-axis.
Y-Axis Description
The actual physcial quantity on the y-axis.
Factor for Norm Time
A factor to calculate the norm time, for example, the number of holes to be drilled.
Calculated Norm Time
The time that is required to perform a task. That time is determined on the basis of two values in the norm table.

To drill a hole with a diameter of 5 mm (first value) in a sheet with a thickness of 8 mm (second value) takes 0.5 minute (norm time).

Calculated Production Rate
The number of times that a task can be carried out for a specific unit of time (minute or hour). That number of times is determined on the basis of two values in the norm table.

Each minute, 5 boards with a thickness of 5 mm (first value) and a width of 60 mm (second value) can be sawn. Consequently, the norm unit is 5.