Task Relationships (tirou0104m000)

A task can be performed on many work centers and on many machines. Use this session to indicate which task is performed on a specific work center, and the machine that is used to carry out the task.


The task that is linked to one or more work center(s).

You can only link Production tasks to a work center.

Work Center
The work center on which the task is performed.

Related topics

The machine that is linked to the task.
Task Rel. Description
Use this field to give a description to the task relationship.
Search Key
The search key enables you to quickly retrieve work centers in a number of sessions.

By default, LN displays 16 characters of the task description. These can be replaced by another text if desired.

Operation Rate Code
The operation rate code that is linked to the task relationship and serves as the task relationship rate.

The operation rate code must be predefined in the Operation Rate Codes (ticpr0150m000) session.

Operation rate codes can only be entered if the following applies:

  • The Type of Operation Rates parameter in the Cost Price Calculation Parameters (ticpr0100m000) session is Task Relationship Rate.
  • The work center is not a subcontracting work center.
Subcontracting Rate Factor
The subcontracting rate factor, together with the subcontracting base rate, determines the subcontracting costs.

The value of this field depends on the Calculation Method for Subcontracting Costs field in the Subcontracting Rates (ticpr1160m000) session. If this field is Operation Rate, the following construction is possible. You can depart from a base rate for subcontracting and further specify a base rate for each operation line.


Subcontracting rate is 100

Subcontracting rate factor is 2

Then total cost of subcontracting is 200

Routing Quantity
The quantity of the manufactured item on which the routing is based. A routing quantity enables you to include very short operation times in the routing of an item.
Routing quantity100
Cycle time60 minutes


In a 60 minute time span, 100 items are produced. Consequently, the operation time of one item is 0.6 minute.

Machine Occupation
The number of machines required to perform the operation.

You can enter this field when you defined a machine for the selected work center in the Tasks (tirou0103m000) session.

Average Setup Time
The average setup time that applies to this specific task/work center relationship.
Man Occup. for Setup
The number of persons required to accomplish the operation's setup.

Enter the number of persons required to accomplish the operation in the Man Occup. for Prdn field.

Production Rate
The number of units for which the task can be performed per unit of time. The Production Rate Time Unit field in the Routing Parameters (tirou0100m000) session determines whether the time unit is Hour or Minute.

If you have defined norm time tables, you can zoom to the Calculate Norm Time (tirou0230m000) session to calculate the production rate.


If the Use Production Rates check box in the Routing Parameters (tirou0100m000) session is cleared, you cannot enter this field.

The time unit in which the production rate is expressed.
Cycle Time
The cycle time that applies to this specific task/work center relationship. The cycle time is used, for example, to calculate cost prices, and to calculate order lead times.

In the Task Relationships (tirou0104m000) details session, you can zoom to the Calculate Norm Time (tirou0230m000) session to calculate the cycle time. The total operation time depends on the order quantity.

Fixed Duration
An indication whether the production time is fixed, or is dependent on the order quantity. If the production time has a fixed duration, then it equals the cycle time. If it is indicated that the production time does not have a fixed duration, the cycle time is multiplied by the order quantity.

For example, baking one bread in the oven takes one hour. Baking a hundred breads at once also takes a fixed duration of one hour.

If this check box is selected, the duration of an operation is fixed, and its production time does not depend on the batch size.

 Production time =
			 setup time + (1 * cycle time)
If this check box is selected, the material and spent production hours are backflushed after the task is performed.

Serialized items

Serialized items can only be backflushed if in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) details session the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared, and the Register Serial Issue During As Built field is Yes. In all other cases, serialized items cannot be backflushed.

If the serialized item is lot-controlled, the lot from which the items are backflushed is based on the outbound method ( Last In First Out (LIFO), First In First Out (FIFO)) as is defined in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) details session.

Count Point
An operation in a routing where the quantity of completed and rejected items must be determined explicitly. If an operation is a count point, completion of that operation must be reported separately. The quantity completed in follow-up operations must not exceed the quantity completed in the count point.

If an operation is not a count point, it can be set to Completed automatically upon completion of a follow-up operation. The quantities completed and rejected are then determined by the completed quantity in the count point.

Transfer Batch Less Than Production Batch
The quantity or percentage of items for which an operation must be finished before you can start with the next operation. Even though an operation is not yet finished for all items in a production order, you can start the next operation for the items that are already finished.

In a production environment where kanban is used, the transfer batch quantity equals the kanban size (which is the standard container, or the standard lot size).

The transfer batch quantity replaces the previously used concept of overlap percentage on operation.

If this check box is selected, you can start the next operation before the complete production batch is finished. You must enter a value in the Transfer Batch Qty field, which indicates when the next operation can be started. If this check box is cleared, the next operation starts when the complete production batch is finished.

If the Transfer Batch Method field in the Routing Parameters (tirou0100m000) session is Quantity, you must type a quantity in the Transfer Batch Qty field. If the Transfer Batch Method field is Percentage, you must type a percentage.

Transfer Batch Qty
The quantity or percentage of items for which an operation must be finished before you can start with the next operation. Even though an operation is not yet finished for all items in a production order, you can start the next operation for the items that are already finished.

In a production environment where kanban is used, the transfer batch quantity equals the kanban size (which is the standard container, or the standard lot size).

The transfer batch quantity replaces the previously used concept of overlap percentage on operation.

If the Transfer Batch Method field in the Routing Parameters (tirou0100m000) session is Quantity, you must type a quantity. If the Transfer Batch Method field is Percentage, you must type a percentage.

Man Occup. for Prdn
The number of persons required to accomplish the operation.

Enter the number of persons required to accomplish the operation's setup in the Man Occupation for Setup field.

Extra Information
Use this field to enter any additional information.


Calculate Production Rate
Calculates the production rate.
Starts the Task Relationship - Tools (tirou0115m000) session in which you can view or maintain the tools that are linked or must be linked to the task relationship. If you linked tools to a specific machine in the Machine - Tools (tirou0110m000) session and you defined a task relationship in the current session in which the machine is involved, LN automatically links the tools to the task relationship in the Task Relationship - Tools (tirou0115m000) session.
Process Variables
Starts the Task Relationship - Process Variables (tirou0116m000) session in which you can link process variables to a task relationship.
Setup Classes / States
Update Routing Operations
Starts the Update Routing Operations (tirou1204m000) session in which you can update the routing operations that make use of a task relationship that is changed in the current session.
Starts the Routing Operations (tirou1102m000) session in which you can view the routing operation(s) in which a specific task relationship is used.