Product Variants (tipcf5501m000)

Use this session to display product variants. You can maintain the product variants, and the configuration of variants for sales quotations, sales orders, budgets, and projects in the Product Variants (tipcf5101s000) session.

To configure product variants that contain purchased configurable items

You can configure product variants that contain purchased configurable items. You can use a configurable item to create a item structure that can hold a configurable purchased sub-assembly. The purchased sub-assembly is issued at the assembly line like other assembly parts.


Product Variant
The unique identification of a product variant.
Enter the code for the language in which you want to print the texts that you previously selected.
The code of the configurable item.

The component must be predefined in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session. From this field, you can directly record items in the Items - Production (tiipd0101m000) session.

Default Supply Source
The source that supplies an item by default. An item can be supplied by using purchase orders, production orders, assembly orders, or warehousing orders.

The default supply source determines what type of order is used to supply the item, but in general, you can override the default and specify an alternate source.

This field can be used to determine what type of supply order LN must create if you enter a sales order for this item and the item's inventory on hand is not sufficient.

If the item type is Manufactured or Generic, this field can be Shop Floor or Assembly.

If the item type is Engineering Module, this field is Assembly and cannot be changed.

If the item type is Purchased, this field is Purchase and cannot be changed.

Reference Type
A product variant may relate to a sales quotation, sales order, budget or project, or it may concern a standard variant.
Reference Order
The reference order number is the number of the sales quotation, the sales order, the budget, or the project to which the product variant refers.
Reference Position
The reference position number is the position number of the sales quotation line or the sales order line to which the product variant refers.
Alt Sales Quotation
Multiple alternatives of product variants can be generated for one quotation line. The sequence number zero is assigned to the main position.

Sequence numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on represent the alternatives 1, 2, 3, and so on. Alternatives are not included in (sub)totals and balances, and are only included in time phased inventory movements if the Status field is not Confirmed.

Inventory is only checked when an alternative is confirmed and transferred to an order line. Multiple alternative lines can be confirmed and converted for each quotation line.


You cannot maintain this field.

The customer for whom the product variant is configured.
If this check box is selected, an additonal text is available for the product variant.

Click the Text Manager to create a text.


Configure Product Variant
In the Product Configurator (tipcf5120m000) session you can enter the options and the features selected by the customer. Based on the input of features and options, LN generates a new product variant identification.

The routing and bill of material data is not assigned to the product variant. Therefore you must generate a product variant structure in the Generate (Project) Structure for Product Variant (tipcs2220m000) session.

Product Variant Option Sets
LN starts the Product Variant Option Sets (tipcf5510m000) session.
Product Variant Structure
LN starts the Product Variant Structure (tipcf5511m000) session.
Product Variant Options
LN starts the Product Variant Options (tipcf5520m000) session.
Product Variant Sales Price Structure
LN starts the Product Variant Sales Price Structure (tipcf5530m000) session.
Calculate Sales Price Structure
LN calculates the sales price structure for the selected product variant.