Product Variants (tipcf5101s000)

Use this session to generate a product variant identification code for a generic item. This product variant stores the options selected by the customer.

With the product variant code, you can generate various variants for a generic item. The code is a unique identification of a specific product variant. The code can originate from the Product Configurator (tipcf5120m000) session that can be activated from the Sales Control, Project Control, and Budgeting module.

You can also start this session manually if a customer wants information about options and prices without any obligation. In the implementation stage of the product model, the session is used to test whether the product model is in accordance with the operational situation.

To configure product variants that contain purchased configurable items

You can configure product variants that contain purchased configurable items. You can use a configurable item to create a item structure that can hold a configurable purchased sub-assembly. The purchased sub-assembly is issued at the assembly line like other assembly parts.


Product Variant
The unique identification of a product variant.

LN shows the first free product variant code. Product variant codes can also arise when configuring a product variant from a sales quotation, sales order, budget or a project.

Enter the code for the language in which you want to print the texts that you previously selected.
The code of the configurable item.

The item code must be defined in the Items - Production (tiipd0101m000) session.

Specify the code for the language in which you want to print the texts that you previously selected.
Default Supply Source
The source that supplies an item by default. An item can be supplied by using purchase orders, production orders, assembly orders, or warehousing orders.

The default supply source determines what type of order is used to supply the item, but in general, you can override the default and specify an alternate source.

This field can be used to determine what type of supply order LN must create if you enter a sales order for this item and the item's inventory on hand is not sufficient.

If the item type is Manufactured or Generic, this field can be Shop Floor or Assembly.

If the item type is Engineering Module, this field is Assembly and cannot be changed.

If the item type is Purchased, this field is Purchase and cannot be changed.

Reference Type
The reference type indicates the product variant's reference. A product variant can relate to a sales quotation, sales order, budget or project (from Project Control (PCS) or Project, or it can concern a standard variant.

Sales Quotation

The product variant originates from the Sales Control module. From the Sales Quotation Lines (tdsls1501m000) session you can zoom to the Product Configurator (tipcf5120m000) session.

Sales Order

The product variant originates from the Sales Control module. From the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session, you can zoom to the Product Configurator (tipcf5120m000) session. This reference type is also displayed if a sales quotation for a product variant is copied to a sales order in the Copy Sales Quotation (tdsls1201s000) session.


A product variant is configured and generated by running the Generate (Project) Structure for Product Variant (tipcs2220m000) session. The reference type is also displayed if a product variant structure for a sales quotation is generated in the Generate (Project) Structure for Product Variant (tipcs2220m000) session.


The product variant originates from the Project Control module. After you record a project, a product variant is configured and generated by running the Generate (Project) Structure for Product Variant (tipcs2220m000) session. This reference type also arises if a product variant structure for a sales order is generated in the Generate (Project) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session.

Standard Variant

The product variant originates from the Product Configuration module. As soon as you define a new product variant in the Product Variants (tipcf5101s000) session, the reference type is automatically assigned to this product variant.

TP Project

The product variant originates from the Budgeting module or the Project Planning and Requirements (PSS) module of Project.

Reference Order
The reference order number is the number of the sales quotation, the sales order, the budget or the project to which the product variant refers.

You cannot maintain this field.

Reference Position
The reference position number is the position number of the sales quotation line or the sales order line to which the product variant refers.
Alt Sales Quotation
Multiple alternatives can be generated for one quotation line. The main position is assigned the sequence number zero. Sequence numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on represent the alternatives 1, 2, 3, and so on.

Alternatives are not included in (sub)totals and balances, and are only included in time-phased inventory movements if the Status field in the Sales Quotation Lines (tdsls1501m000) session is not Confirmed.

Inventory is only checked when an alternative is confirmed and transferred to an order line.

Multiple alternative lines can be confirmed and converted for each quotation line.


You cannot maintain this field.

Sold-to Business Partner
The code to be selected must be predefined in the Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000) session.
Sold-to Business Partner
Codes presenting a set of values which are based on two physical quantities. These values are the X- and Y-axis values from price list matrices. The maximum number of values per physical quantity is 24.
The currency in which the sales price of the product variant is recorded.
Enter the code for the language in which you want to print the texts that you previously selected.
Variant Sales Price
The sales price of the product variant. Based on the generic sales price list, the sales price is computed in the Calculate Product Variant Sales Price Structure (tipcf5230m000) session.
Product Config. Date
The date on which the configuration of a product variant is based. Effective dates and expiry dates of features and options are checked against this date to include or exclude features and options during the configuration process.
Product Variant Valid
This field indicates whether the product variant is validated by the product configurator. A product variant is valid if all product features have valid option values.
Product Variant Text
If this check box is selected, a text is present with more data about the product variant. The text can be displayed and maintained if you click the Text Manager.
Advanced Configurator Variant
If this check box is selected, the product variant selected is generated using the buydesign advanced configurator.

Related topics

Advanced Configurator Status
The status of product variant in the advanced configurator.

After product variant is generated in the advanced configurator, one of the below statuses is set for the product variant.

  • Initial
  • Partial Save
  • Success
  • Not Applicable
  • Error

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