Print Generic Routing (tipcf3420m000)

Use this session to print the generic routings for generic items.


Check Routing Validity
If this check box is selected, the session prints reports that show the routings assigned to items that are valid on the check date. Valid routings are routings whose effective date lies before or on the check date and whose expiry date lies after the check date. If no expiry date has been filled in, LN does not perform a check on the expiry date.
Check Date
The date when the validity period of an entity starts.

In the case of effectivity control the reference date is checked against the effective date. If the reference date is greater than or equal to the effective date the configuration entity is valid.

Print Details
If this check box is selected, the Generic Routing (Miscellaneous) report is printed. Otherwise the Generic Routing report is printed.
Print Constraints
If this check box is selected, LN prints constraints that are defined for the item in the Constraints by Generic Item (tipcf2110s000) session.
Print Routing Texts
If this check box is selected, operation texts are printed that are defined by operation in the Generic Routing (tipcf3120m000) session.