Print Generic Bill of Material (tipcf3410m000)

Use this session to print the bill of material.


The From and To fields define a range of: configurable items.
Print Options
Choose the BOM level to be printed.

Allowed values

  • Single Level
  • Multi Level
Report(Overview/Planning Data)
Chose the type of report to be printed.

Allowed values

  • Planning Data
  • Overview
Generic Routing
If this check box is selected, generic operations are printed that are defined in the Generic Routing (tipcf3120m000) session.
If this check box is selected, constraints for generic bills of material are printed that are defined in the Constraints by Generic Item (tipcf2110s000) session.
Item Text
If this check box is selected, item texts are printed that are defined for the generic item in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session.
BOM Text
If this check box is selected, the BOM texts are printed that are defined in the Generic BOMs (tipcf3110m000) session by component.
Routing Text
If this check box is selected, operation texts are printed that are defined by operation in the Generic Routing (tipcf3120m000) session.
Check Component Validity
If this check box is selected, only components on the generic bill of materials are printed that are valid on the check date. Valid components are items whose effective date lies before or on the check date and whose expiry date lies after the check date. If no expiry date is entered, LN does not perform a check on the expiry date. The cursor moves to the Check Date field.

If this check box is cleared, the session prints generic bills of material on which all components appear, regardless of the effective and expiry date. The cursor moves to the Print Routing Texts field.

Check Date
Enter the date for which you want to check the validity of components for.

If the Check Component Validity check box is selected, you can enter a date.

Language for Texts
Enter the code for the language in which you want to print the texts that you previously selected.

If none of the check boxes for printing texts are selected, you cannot enter a code.

Language for Texts
Enter the code for the language in which you want to print the texts that you previously selected.


Prints the data that you selected.