Options by Product Feature (tipcf0160m000)

Use this session to maintain selective options for each general product feature.

The options you record for each feature in this session are completely product independent. This information serves as basic data used to define product features and options for each generic item. When you define specific options for each product feature and generic item in the Options by Product Feature and Generic Item (tipcf1110m000) session, you are completely free to choose the available options. An option must have a code that is self explanatory, because options are used as values in constraint expressions.

With the Text manager you can record a detailed description for each option, which contains basic information about the option. Enter the < sign on the first position of each text line when the text lines are for internal use. Enter > when the text lines mustbe printed on external documents.


Product Feature
The code that identifies a product feature.
The description of the product feature.
The code that uniquely identifies an option for a product feature.

Enter the code of the option. Options must have self-explanatory codes, because they are used as values in constraint expressions.

Enter the general description of an option. This description is the default for the descriptions of options for each generic item.

On the appropriate menu, click Option Descriptions. As a result, the Option Descriptions (tipcf0161m000) session starts in which you can enter a language-dependent description.


Option Descriptions
Starts the Option Descriptions (tipcf0161m000) session in which you can enter a language-dependent description of the option.