Process warehouse order lines

After a warehouse order line is unblocked, as described in Release material, the warehouse order line must be processed in Warehousing. The Direct Process Warehouse Order Line check box in the Items - Production (tiipd0101m000) session, the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session, or the Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000) session, determines whether you must first carry out the warehouse procedure manually for a specific material, or if LN carries out the warehouse procedure automatically.

  • Direct process warehouse order line

    If you select the Direct Process Warehouse Order Line check box, you do not need to carry out the warehouse procedure manually for the material when you issue material. The material is available directly on the shop floor after the material is released. This method is particularly useful if you must collect a material from the warehouse yourself because you need the material instantly.

    If a shortage exists for a material for which the Direct Process Warehouse Order Line check box is selected, you can use the Process Material Shortages (tisfc0221m000) session to process the remaining material quantity if the material is in stock again.

  • Manual warehouse order line
    If you clear the Direct Process Warehouse Order Line check box, you must carry out the warehouse procedure manually for the material in Warehousing before the material can be shipped to the shop floor. How the procedure is carried out is defined in Warehousing. For more information, refer to To define warehousing procedures.