Releasing production orders

Releasing production orders

When you release a production order, the production order gets the order status Released. This means that the production can start: materials can be issued and spent hours can be accounted.

When you release a production order, LN performs the following actions:

  • Warehousing orders are created in Warehousing. Through these warehousing orders, the issue of materials and receipt into inventory of end products are handled.
  • Allocations of materials are moved to the shop-floor warehouse.
  • Inspection orders are created in Quality.
  • If the Moment Freezing Estimates field has the value During Releasing Order, the estimated order costs are frozen, and the estimated end-item unit costs are calculated.
How to release production orders

You can release production orders by means of the Release Production Orders (tisfc0204m000) session.


If the Printing Order Doc. Mandatory check box in the Shop Floor Control Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session is selected, the order status of a production order must be Documents Printed before you can release it.