Booking triggered by

Item and warehouse surcharges are added to the Valuation prices during the receipt of the item into a warehouse or when the item is issued. The moment when costs are added is important for inventory valuation.

The cost price includes item surcharges and does not depend on when costs are posted. Warehouse surcharges for the standard warehouse (the standard warehouse is defined in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session) are included in the cost price, too. If an item is a component in the bill of material (BOM), LN uses the BOM warehouse to calculate the cost price of the component item.


Item surcharges are added to the Valuation prices during the receipt of the item into a warehouse. For purchased items, this is the moment of receipt into the warehouse (the Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000) session or the Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000) session). For manufactured items, this is the moment of:

  • Order completion.
  • Order closing.
  • Correcting the WIP value, based on actual costs.

Warehouse surcharges are added to the Valuation prices for inventory valuation at the moment of receipt into the warehouse.


Item surcharges are added to the Valuation prices at the moment the item is issued to work-in-process, or as a material on the service order.

A special case is the warehouse item transfer. During a transfer, the item code changes. Item issue and receipt surcharges are applied during these warehouse item transfers. The item surcharges are not used during item movements between warehouses. The item surcharges are only used once during the process flows.

Warehouse surcharges with realization moment Issue are added to the Valuation prices when the item leaves the warehouse. This total value is used as the cost of goods sold, transfer price, and so on. When subsequent warehouse transfers are carried out, the warehouse surcharges are included in the valuation price again and again. This means that when an item is moved back and forth between warehouses, the valuation price increases in case of actual costing. Not when the item is a FTP item.

For the price calculation code of type Sales Price, only item surcharges with the realization moment issue can be defined.

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