Reporting additional quantities

The Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) session offers a convenient way of reporting additional quantities completed or rejected, after an initial quantity has already been reported. The same method also applies to the Quantity To Inspect field.

The field in the Semi Item Quantity column displays the quantity that must be added to the currently completed are rejected quantities. The field in the Main Item column displays the new quantity of the Quantity Completed field.

The following formula describes the relationship between these two fields:

New quantity = Current quantity + Additional quantity

If you enter something in the Semi Item Quantity or the Main Item fields, the other field is automatically updated.

When the data is saved, the Current quantity is made equal to the New quantity.


If you made a mistake, you can undo all changes, until you confirm them when you exit the session.

LN rounds the entered quantity according to the rounding method used for the inventory unit of the item.