Production order status

The order status determines which actions can be performed on a production order. The order status is shown in the sessions in which production orders are handled.

These statuses are available for production orders

  • Planned
    The initial status of a production order. All data of the production order can still be changed. Materials have not yet been issued. Materials can be added or removed, and quantities can be changed.
  • Documents Printed
    The documents that accompany the production order have been printed. If the Printing Order Doc. Mandatory check box in the Shop Floor Control Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session is selected, the production order cannot be released before the order documents have been printed. The Printing Order Doc. Mandatory check box is not valid for repetitive items because printing order documents is never mandatory for repetitive items. For a description of the types of order documents, see Contents of order documents.
  • Released

    If a production order is released for production, materials are issued to the shop floor for production, and hours can be posted.

    You can still do the following:

    • Adjust planning data
    • Change the estimated materials and estimated operation cost as long as the cost estimates have not been frozen

    Production orders can be released by using the Release Production Orders (tisfc0204m000) session.

  • Active
    Work on the production order has started. The order status becomes Active as soon as any WIP transaction takes place for the production order. When the production order status is Active, hours are posted and materials are issued. The estimated costs cannot be changed after the production order is Active.
  • To be Completed
    The order has been reported completed. As soon as Warehousing finishes the inbound procedure for produced items that must be delivered into inventory, the production order status will be Completed.
  • Completed

    The order has been reported as complete and all completed products have been delivered into inventory. It is still possible to account hours and issue materials for the production order.

    You report an order as complete in one of these sessions:

    • The Report Orders Completed (tisfc0520m000) session to report one or more orders, partly or entirely, as complete.
    • The Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) session to report the final operation of an order as complete.
    • The Report Operations Complete by Order Group (tisfc0205m000) session to report orders as complete by order group.
    • The Report Production Schedules Completed (tirpt1201m000) session or the Report Production Orders Completed from Production Schedule (tirpt1502m000) session to report production orders in production schedules as complete for RPT items.
  • Closed
    The financial results of the production order have been calculated. Before a production order is closed, all materials for the order must have been issued and all hours must have been accounted. After an order has been closed, materials can no longer be issued nor can hours be accounted unless the order status is reset. You can close production orders with the Close Production Orders (ticst0201m000) session.
  • Archived
    The data of the production order has been moved to the archive.