Production Warehouse Orders Overview (timfc0101m100)

Use this session to search for production warehouse orders by item, warehouse, serial number, lot, revision, effectivity unit, warehouse, and/or warehouse.

You can, for example, enter a specific lot code, item code, or serial number in the session's header. If you then click Apply, the production orders and production warehouse order lines are displayed that concern the lot code, item code, or serial number.


Effectivity Unit
The effectivity unit for which you want to select production warehouse orders.
The revision for which you want to select production warehouse orders.

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Lot Code
The lot code for which you want to select production warehouse orders.

Related topics

Serial Number
The serialized item for which you want to select production warehouse orders.
Work Center
The work center for which you want to select production warehouse orders.
The warehouse for which you want to select production warehouse orders.
Shipped Lines Only
If this check box is selected,
Blocked Lines Only
If this check box is selected, only production warehouse orders are displayed for which the Blocked check box is selected.
Subsequent Deliveries Only
A material for which both a To Issue quantity and a Subsequent Delivery quantity exist, has two production warehouse orders: One production warehouse order for the To Issue quantity, and one for the Subsequent Delivery quantity.

If this check box is selected, only production warehouse orders are displayed that represent a subsequent delivery, which means that the quantity is issued at a future date or time.


Subsequent deliveries only apply to items that are used as material.

Serial Number
The number that identifies a data record or a step in a sequence of activities. Sequence numbers are used in many contexts. Usually LN generates the sequence number for the next item or step. Depending on the context, you can overwrite this number. You can sometimes influence the numbering by setting the corresponding parameters.
Production Order
An order to produce a specified quantity of an item on a specified delivery date.
The position number of the production order's material.
Transaction Type
The type of inventory movement, which can be Issue or Receipt.

The meaning of Issue and Receipt depends on whether the item is a material or an end item.

If the transaction type is Issue

  • A material is issued from the warehouse to the shop floor.
  • In case of a transfer order, a material is issued from the central warehouse to the shop floor warehouse.
  • An end item is sent back from the warehouse to the shop floor.

If the transaction type is Receipt

  • A material is sent from the shop floor to the warehouse.
  • In case of a transfer order, the material is received in the shop floor warehouse.
  • An end item is received in the warehouse.

In case of rework, or material that is sent back to the warehouse, the meaning of Issue and Receipt is the opposite of the meaning described above.

Related Order Type
The order type on which the production warehouse order is based.
Related Order Number
The order number to which the production warehouse order is linked.
Subsequent Delivery
If this check box is selected, the production warehouse order represents a material quantity that is a subsequent delivery, which means that the quantity is issued at a future date or time.
Create Date
If the production warehouse order relates to an end item, the date refers to the requested delivery date of the production order.

If the production warehouse order relates to material, the date refers to when the material is required on the shop floor.

Ship From Type
The location from where an item is shipped:
  • Warehouse
  • Work center

The Ship From Type is connected with the Transaction Type.

Ship From Code
The code of the warehouse or the work center where the item is shipped from.
Ship To Type
The location to where an item is shipped:
  • Warehouse
  • Work center

The Ship To Type is connected with the Transaction Type.

Ship To Code
The code of the warehouse or the work center where the item is shipped to.
The warehouse of a material (in the Material view), or an end item (in the End Item view).
The item, which can be a material or an end item.
Eff Unit
A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.
Lot Code
If the Lot Controlled check box in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) details session is selected, the item is lot controlled, and this field displays from which lot the material is issued. The lot code is set in the Material to Issue for Production Orders (ticst0101m100) session.

If the Lot Controlled check box is cleared, the value is Any, and you cannot change the value.

Allowed values

Possible values

Related topics

A number of items produced and stored together that are identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods.

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Serial Number
The number of the serialized item.
A version or revised version of an engineering item (E-item) or a revision-controlled item, that is, an item linked to an E-item. Several revisions of an E-item can exist.

E-item: Mountain bike E-MB01

A1Draft drawing of bikeNot released
A2Drawing of bikeNot released
A3Parent E-item of bike MB01Released
A4Obsolete bikeCanceled


Related topics

Quantity Ordered
The quantity that is, or will be, issued by or received in the warehouse.
Quantity to Return
The quantity that is sent back from the warehouse to the shop floor (end items), or from the shop floor to warehouse (material).
Quantity Canceled
If the Blocked check box is cleared, you cannot manually change the quantity in the Quantity Ordered field anymore to cancel a specific quantity to be issued from the warehouse. Instead, you must determine the quantity that you want to cancel in the To Cancel field in the Production Warehouse Orders (timfc0101m000) session, which is reflected in this field.
Quantity Canceled
The quantity that is canceled in the warehouse. Warehousing issues the Quantity Ordered decreased by the Quantity Canceled. For more information, refer to Quantity to Cancel.
Planned Delivery Date
If the production warehouse order relates to end items, the date refers to the requested delivery date of the production order.

If the production warehouse order relates to material, the date refers to when the material is required on the shop floor.

Planned Receipt Date
Warehouse Order Type
A code that identifies the type of a warehousing order. The default warehousing procedure that you link to a warehousing order type determines how the warehousing orders to which the order type is allocated are processed in the warehouse, although you can modify the default procedure for individual warehousing orders or order lines.
The reason why the delivered goods are rejected and returned.
If this check box is selected, the production warehouse order contains a quantity that is returned to the warehouse.
If this check box is selected, the production warehouse order is blocked, which means that:
  • Warehousing is not allowed to start the warehouse procedure for the production warehouse order.
  • You can still change the ordered quantity.

If this check box is cleared, the production warehouse order is unblocked, which means that:

  • Warehousing is allowed to start the warehouse procedure production order. If you specified automatic processing for the material or the end item, clearing this check box starts the automatic processing.
  • You cannot change the ordered quantity.

LN can clear this check box if:

  • You click Initiate Inventory Issue for materials in the appropriate menu in the Production Warehouse Orders (timfc0101m000) session. All production warehouse order lines are unblocked for which the Subsequent Delivery check box is cleared.
  • You report a production order as completed.
Released to Warehouse
If this check box is selected, the item quantity on the production warehouse order is released to the warehouse.
Direct Proc Wh Order Line
If this check box is selected, the warehouse outbound procedure for the item on the production warehouse order is carried out automatically after material in the warehouse is unblocked.
Handling Unit
The handling unit to which the item on the production warehouse order is linked.

Related topics

Original Effectivity Unit
Business Partner
The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or hard pegged to the sold-to business partner displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.

Business Object Type
The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or hard pegged to the type of order displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Business Object
The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or hard pegged to the order, or order line, displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or hard pegged to the reference code displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.

LN can use this field in two ways:

  • If the Business Partner field is filled, LN uses the Reference field to record a reference code defined by a customer.
  • If the Business Partner field is empty, LN uses the Reference field to record an internal reference.

You can use a reference code to keep a collection of parts linked together, even if they follow different routings, for example, if some of the parts are transported to a subcontractor to be returned later.


Click to search for production warehouse orders according to your input specifications.
Production Warehouse Orders
Click to view the order in the Production Warehouse Orders (timfc0101m000) session.
Clear Ranges
Click to clear the header fields so that you can define a new search for production warehouse orders.