Search for Items by Master Item (tigrt0184m000)

Use this session to search for items with a classified item.

  • Select the master item. LN shows the family that the item belongs to in the Family field. A search is performed in that family only. To start the search, click Search... on the appropriate menu.
  • If you want to accept, modify, or skip a feature, you have to specify the feature.
  • For features you modified, fill the aspects with the desired values.

After you do this, LN searches the required items.


The item or customized item that you want to search with.

Items must be classified in the Classify Items (tigrt0180m000) session.

The description or name of the code.
The family that has been assigned to the classified item.
The description or name of the code.
If this check box is selected, the item must be reclassified. The classification structure has been modified since the item was last classified. Therefore, the classification code for the item can be incorrect.