Generate EBOM Copy Data by MBC (tiedm3235m000)

Use this session to generate the copy data of EBOMs for a selection of mass bill of material changes (MBCs).

Copy data is the data that defines which engineering data is copied to which production data. This applies to all E-items which have new revisions created by MBCs. You can then change the data in the EBOM Copy Data (tiedm1120m000) session.

What copy data will be generated?

The copy data of EBOMs can be generated only for MBCs with the Approved for Production status. You can change the status of an MBC in the MBC (tiedm3110m000) session.

LN searches for relationships defined in the Engineering Item - Item Relationship (tiedm1101m000) session for existing revisions of the E-items which have new revisions generated by an MBC.

If an E-item has a relationship with an item, LN generates the copy data of the single-level EBOM in order to copy the EBOM of the E-item with the new revision to the PBOM of the item. This only occurs if the Update Method E-Item Relation field in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session is checked.

You can indicate whether you want to overwrite existing copy data.


In the current session you only generate copy data. If you want to actually copy the EBOMs to PBOMs, run the Finalize Engineering Data (tiedm3240m000) session.


MBC Number
Select the range of MBCs whose copy data you want to generate.
MBC Number
Select the range of MBCs whose copy data you want to generate.
Overwrite Existing EBOM Copy Data
If this check box is selected, LN overwrites copy data already generated.

Because this session only generates copy data, but does not actually copy the EBOMs, the production BOM is not actually overwritten until you run the Finalize Engineering Data (tiedm3240m000) session.


Click to generate the buckets with the parameters you have defined in this session.