EBOM Copy Data (tiedm1120m000)

Use this session to generate and maintain the copy data for a single-level engineering BOM.

You can alter the details of the data of a particular line in the EBOM Copy Data (tiedm1120m000) details session. You can also use this session to change data generated by the Generate EBOM Copy Data (Multilevel) (tiedm1230m000) session and the Generate EBOM Copy Data by MBC (tiedm3235m000) session.


Engineering Item
Enter the single-level EBOM's parent E-item that you want to copy.
E-Item Revision
Enter the parent E-item revision of the single-level EBOM that you want to copy.
E-Item Revision
The description or name of the code.
Main Item
Enter the parent item of the target production BOM (that is, the BOM to which you want to copy the single-level EBOM).
Position Number
The target position number of the PBOM line.
Component Type
Defines whether the component is an E-Item or Item.
The source component in the EBOM line.
EBOM Copy Method
The copy method used by LN for copying the EBOM to the production BOM.

Allowed values

  • No Copy Action
  • Copy E-Item to Item
  • NonProj Item to Proj Item
  • EBOM to PBOM Only

EBOM copy method

Related topics

To Position
The line number of the target production BOM, that is, the BOM to which you want to copy the data.
Sequence Number
The sequence number of the target BOM.
Item Category
The item category of the target item.
To Item
The target component item in the PBOM, which is the BOM line to which you want to copy the EBOM line.
E-BOM Text
If this check box is selected, a text is present.
The length of the component in the EBOM line.

Length can also be used to calculate Net Quantity:

Net Quantity =
			 Length x
			 Width x
			 Number of Units.
The width of the component in the EBOM line.

Width can also be used to calculate Net Quantity:

Net Quantity =
			 Length x
			 Width x
			 Number of Units.
Number of Units
The number of times the component occurs in the length (or area). For a physical item, this is equal to the number of units in the length or area defined.

It can also be used to calculate Net Quantity:

Net Quantity =
			 Length x
			 Width x
			 Number of Units.
Net Quantity
The net quantity of the component in the EBOM line.

This is the amount of the component item used in the E-item.

This can be calculated by multiplying the Number of Units, Length, and Width.

Example: If ten units of a component 2 cm long and 3 cm wide are specified, the net quantity is calculated as 60. If the width is not specified, the net quantity is 20.


You cannot define negative net quantities in the Engineering Data Management module.

Related topics

Extra Information
From the Extra Information field in the Engineering BOM (tiedm1110m000) session.

You can use this field to enter a short note about the item or the BOM line.

The description or name of the code.
E-Item Copied
If this check box is selected, then the E-item has already been copied to an item.
E-Item Copied
The date on which the E-item was copied to an item.
EBOM Copied
If this check box is selected, the single-level EBOM has already been copied to a production BOM.
EBOM Copied
The date on which the EBOM was copied to a PBOM.
The name of the parent E-item revision of the single-level EBOM that you want to copy.
Quantity Independent
If this check box is selected, the E-item's net quantity is copied to update the scrap quantity in the BOM.

If this check box is cleared, the E-item's net quantity is copied to update the net quantity of the BOM.


Generate EBOM Copy data
Click to generate EBOM copy data for the selection you have made in this session. If you want to generate copy data for the entire BOM, use the Generate EBOM Copy Data (Multilevel) (tiedm1230m000) session.
Copy Engineering Data
Click to copy the data you have defined in this session.
Alternative Materials in EBOM Copy Data