Copy PBOM to EBOM (tiedm0205m000)

Use this session to transfer an existing production item to Engineering Data Management. For example, redesign purposes.

Enter the production item in the Source Item field. In the Target E-Item field, enter the engineering item to which you want to copy the production item.

The date in the Reference Date field determines the effective BOM lines that must be copied.


A production item BOM can contain items resulting from former engineering activities in Engineering Data Management. Those items are defined in the Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000) session, and have a revision number linked. You can use the New Revision Allowed check box in the Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000) session to create a new revision for the engineering item.


Source Item
The production item that is copied to the EBOM.
Target E-Item
The engineering item to which the production item is copied.
Reference Date
The date that is used to select the BOM lines that are effective on a particular date.

This date-based selection method is important as the same position number can have many BOM lines with different sequence numbers effective on different dates.

Copy Multilevel
If this check box is selected, components of the production BOM are created as component engineering items in the EBOM.

If this check box is cleared, LN performs a single level copy, in which the PBOM components are copied as component items.

Overwrite E-Item
If this check box is selected, the engineering item is overwritten during the copying process.

If this check box is cleared, the copy process stops when LN encounters engineering items sharing the same code. Engineering items with the same code are not overwritten.

Select this check box to enable the Copy to related E-Item check box.

Only Revision Controlled Items
If this check box is selected, only the revision-controlled components of a production BOM are copied to engineering items. Therefore, the entire PBOM of revision-controlled items is copied to the EBOM, except for the non-revision controlled components. This means that lower-level components in the PBOM that are not revision-controlled, such as nuts and bolts, are not copied to the engineering items in EDM. This prevents the creation of too many engineering items in EDM.

If this check box is cleared, all items in the PBOM, revision-controlled items and items that are not revision-controlled are copied to the EBOM.

Copy to related E-Item
Items are copied to the E-items to which they are linked.

You must select the Overwrite E-Item check box to make the Copy to related E-Item check box available.

If this check box is cleared, the E-items are created with the same name as the items from which they are copied. During this process, any E-items with the same code are overwritten or skipped.

Copy Attached Documents
If this check box is selected, all Data Management document links are copied from the production BOM to the EBOM.

When a copy is made from an item to an E-item, the document links of the item are made to the new E-item revision.

Copy Alternative Materials
If this check box is selected, LN copies the alternative materials.
Target E-Item Available
This check box is an information field and not intended for user input.