Priority rules

  • Critical Ratio

    The critical ratio determines the priority of the order.


    • = 1, the order is on schedule,
    • > 1, the order is ahead of schedule
    • < 1, the order is behind schedule.
  • Earliest Due Date

    The order with the nearest delivery date is given the highest priority

  • Priority of Prod. Order

    When you create or modify production orders in the Production Orders (tisfc0101s000) session, you can assign a priority to the order in the Priority field.

  • Shortest Total Rem.Prd.Tm

    The orders with the shortest time remaining to complete their production are given the highest priority, regardless of their delivery dates.

  • Slack Time

    Slack time = (end date - reference date) - remaining production time

    • = 0, the order is on schedule,
    • > 0, the order is ahead of schedule,
    • < 0, the order is behind schedule.