Operation Status

  • Planned

    The status when the plan is created.

  • Ready to Start

    When there is enough Quantity Completed on all the previous operations to report complete the minimum order quantity of the operation in the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) session, the operation status is set to Ready to Start by the previous operation.

  • Started

    If you use LN the operation status is Started when any quantity is reported as completed in Shop Floor Control.

  • Active

    A WIP transaction has been performed on this operation. When the first operation is set to Active, the order status becomes Active too.

  • Blocked

    The operation has been blocked in Shop Floor Control by the user or by an inspection order. Refer to Blocking operations.

  • Completed

    All the work has been completed for the operation. The quantities reported as completed and rejected are final. You can set this status in the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) details session. If required, you can click Reset Operation Status in the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) details session to change the operation status from Completed back to Active.

  • Closed

    The financial results of the operation have been calculated. Operations can only be closed in LN.

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