Material to Issue for Production Orders (ticst0101m100)

After you entered a production order, LN generates the production planning and estimated materials by means of the BOM and routing. The estimated materials for planned orders are displayed in this session. You can use this session to view and maintain material quantities which must be issued from the warehouse to the production center.


Production Order
The production order for which materials are issued.
Production Order Status
The production order's order status.

Allowed values

Order Status

Estimated Costs Are Frozen
If this check box is selected, the estimated materials cannot be changed anymore.

At which specific moment LN freezes the estimated costs depends on the value of the Moment Freezing Estimates field in the Production Orders (tisfc0101s000) session.

SFC Order Group
The SFC order group to which the production order belongs.

Related topics

Backflush Materials
If this check box is selected, the materials for the production order are issued through backflushing.

Serialized items can only be backflushed if in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) details session the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared, and the Register Serial Issue During As Built field is Yes. In all other cases, serialized items cannot be backflushed.

If the serialized item is lot-controlled, the lot from which the items are backflushed is based on the outbound method ( Last In First Out (LIFO), First In First Out (FIFO)) as is defined in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) details session.

Operated Item
The item that is used as a material in production.
The item that is produced for the production order.
The position number that identifies the estimated material in the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session.
The item that is used as a material in production.
Effectivity Unit
A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.

Only applicable when the Project Pegging check box in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session is selected.

Unit Series/Sequence
The effectivity series code.
Distribution Type
View the distribution type for the materials to be issued.

Allowed values

Distribution Type

Estimated Quantity
The estimated quantity of material needed based on net quantities specified in the bill of material (BOM), taking in to account the material increases to compensate ofr loss through scrap and yield.
Allocation Date
The date and time of a time-phased inventory movement, that is, the date and time on which the material that is allocated to the production order is included in the planned inventory transactions of Warehousing.
The revision of the item.
The operation in which the material is used.

If no operation is linked, LN assumes that the material is required at the start of the first operation.


If the View BOM By check box in the Bill of Material Parameters (tibom0100m000) session is selected, the materials are displayed per production-order operation. If the View BOM By check box in the Bill of Material Parameters (tibom0100m000) session is cleared, all the materials are displayed for the production order.

Material Control Method
The method that determines which materials from the BOM must be printed on the order documents, and/or which BOM materials must be allocated. Examples of order documents are material lists, material issue notes, production order check lists, sawing lists, cutting lists, collective sawing lists, collective cutting lists.

The value of this field depends on the Print on Order Document check box in the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) details session, and the Floor Stock check box in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session. The following table gives the default combinations and the resulting material control method.

Print on Order Document check boxFloor Stock Material check boxControl Method value
NoYesno material line created
NoNo Allocate Only
YesNo Print and Allocate
YesYes Print Only


Note Once this field is filled during the creation of the production order, the field can no longer be changed.

Issue Method
If this check box is selected, backflushing is applied as method to issue the material.

Serialized items can only be backflushed if in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) details session the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared, and the Register Serial Issue During As Built field is Yes. In all other cases, serialized items cannot be backflushed.

If the serialized item is lot-controlled, the lot from which the items are backflushed is based on the outbound method ( Last In First Out (LIFO), First In First Out (FIFO)) as is defined in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) details session.

Direct Initiate Inventory Issue
If this check box is selected, the warehouse order line for the material is automatically unblocked during production order release. Consequently, you do not need to run the Initiate Inventory Issue (tisfc0207m000) session to unblock the material.

If this check box is cleared, and if the material is not backflushed, you must use the Initiate Inventory Issue (tisfc0207m000) session to unblock the material's warehouse order line.

An unblocked warehouse order line serves as a signal for the warehouse employees to begin the warehouse outbound procedure, starting with an outbound advice for the material. The warehouse outbound procedure results in material sent to the shop floor. If the Direct Proc. WH Order Line check box is selected for the material, the warehouse outbound procedure is carried out automatically when the warehouse order line is unblocked.

Direct Process Warehouse Order Line
If this check box is selected, the warehouse outbound procedure is carried out automatically after material in the warehouse is unblocked. You must unblock material using the Initiate Inventory Issue (tisfc0207m000) session. In the Material to Issue for Production Orders (ticst0101m100) details session, the quantity that you want to issue is added to the To Issue by Warehousing field .

If this check box is cleared, the settings in the Activities by Warehousing Order (whinh2104m000) session are leading:

  • The outbound activities for which the Automatic check box is selected are carried out automatically after the material is unblocked in the warehouse.
  • The outbound activities for which only the Applicable check box is selected, while the Automatic check box is cleared, must be carried out manually.
Supplied by Subcontractor
If you subcontract one or more operations, or an item's entire production process, you can choose whether or not to send material to the subcontractor to use for the subcontracted item.

If this check box is selected, the material is not sent to the subcontractor. The material is supplied by the subcontractor.

If this check box is cleared, and the material is linked to a subcontracted operation, the material is sent to the subcontractor.

If this check box is selected, the item is a subassembly.
Estimated Quantity
The gross estimated quantity of the component required to produce the items of the production order. The estimated quantity is the net quantity, taken into account the scrap factor (%), the scrap quantity, and the yield of the operations.
Actual Quantity
The total quantity already issued from inventory for this material. The field is updated by Warehousing.

When LN updates the Actual Quantity field, LN also makes a financial transaction to increase or decrease the WIP amount.

To Issue by Warehousing
The total, unblocked quantity in the warehouse that must be issued to the shop floor.

This field is modified by Manufacturing and Warehousing. If Manufacturing unblocks a warehouse order, the To Issue field is added to the To Issue by Warehousing field.

If Warehousing issues a quantity, the quantity is subtracted from the To Issue by Warehousing field.

To Issue
The allocations in the warehouse, that is, the blocked quantities in the warehouse order lines.

Serialized items

In case of a serialized item for which the Serials in Inventory check box in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session is selected, LN by default puts the quantity to be issued in the Subsequent Delivery field. However, you can also anonymously issue a quantity of serialized items. This means that in Warehousing, the items' serial numbers are determined, such as by scanning a bar code. To do so, type the quantity to be issued in this field, and run the Initiate Inventory Issue (tisfc0207m000) session.

If there is still a quantity of serialized items left in the Subsequent Delivery field, LN issues those items based on the serial numbers entered in the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session.

Subsequent Delivery
The quantity in this field can relate to the following concepts:


If you use backflushing, the quantity to be backflushed is displayed in this field. This quantity is not taken into account when you run the Initiate Inventory Issue (tisfc0207m000) session. In Warehousing, the quantity is expressed as a blocked quantity in a warehouse order line.

Manual issuing

If the Manual Issuing check box in the Shop Floor Control Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session is selected, the planned allocated quantity is displayed in this field. To issue, enter the required quantity in the To Issue field. For more information, refer to Specify material to be issued.

Serialized items

If the item is a serialized item for which the Serials in Inventory check box in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session is selected, this field displays the quantity of the serialized item that must be issued.

If you run the Initiate Inventory Issue (tisfc0207m000) session, LN issues the quantity in this field based on the serial numbers entered in the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session. Only the items for which you entered a serial number are issued; the rest of the item quantity stays in the Subsequent Delivery field. For example, if the quantity in the Subsequent Delivery field is 10, and for three items a serial numbers is available in the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session, only these three items are issued. The quantity in the Subsequent Delivery field becomes 10 - 3 = 7.

LN puts the serialized item quantity in the Subsequent Delivery field for the purpose of issuing the items according to the serial numbers specified in the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session. To issue serialized items anonymously, enter that quantity in the To Issue field. For more information, refer to the To Issue field help.

In case of a rework order, where a material line contains a serialized item that must be reworked, the end item with the correct serial number must be issued. The serial number is registered in the Serial End Item - As-Built Headers (timfc0110m000) session. For more information, refer to Rework order procedure for serialized items


You cannot access this field in the following cases:

  • When the operation is blocked for issue.
  • When backflushing is used for the material; if so, the quantity in this field is the quantity to be backflushed.
Warehouse Info
The warehouse that issues the material.

If you use a shop floor warehouse, the items are first transferred from this warehouse to the shop floor warehouse before they are issued.

WMS Controlled
If this check box is selected, you defined in the Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000) session that an integration with a Warehouse Management System (WMS) exists. The value of the Lot Selection field in this session must be the same as in the used WMS.
Lot Selection
If the item is lot controlled, you can select how the material must be issued. If the Lot Controlled check box in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) details session is selected, you can select a value in this field. If the Lot Controlled check box is cleared, the value is Any, and you cannot change the value.

Related topics

Lot Code
If the Lot Selection field displays Specific, you can enter the lot from which the material must be issued.

Related topics

Initial Hidden
Operated Item
The main item, or the phantom on which the operation is executed.

If the Operated Item field does not contain the same item as the Main Item field, the operated item is a phantom. In this case, the routing of the phantom is connected to the routing of the main item.

If the operated item is not a phantom, the main item and the operated item are the same.

Related topics

WMS Controlled
If this check box is selected, you defined in the Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000) session that an integration with a Warehouse Management System (WMS) exists. The value of the Lot Selection field in this session must be the same as in the used WMS.
Supplied by Subcontractor
If you subcontract one or more operations, or an item's entire production process, you can choose whether or not to send material to the subcontractor to use for the subcontracted item.

If this check box is selected, the material is not sent to the subcontractor. The material is supplied by the subcontractor.

If this check box is cleared, and the material is linked to a subcontracted operation, the material is sent to the subcontractor.

If this check box is selected, the item is a subassembly.
Material Control Method
The method that determines which materials from the BOM must be printed in the order document, and/or which BOM materials must be allocated. Examples of order documents are material lists, material issue notes, production order check lists, sawing lists, cutting lists, collective sawing lists, collective cutting lists.

The value of this field depends on the Print on Order Document check box in the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) session, and the Floor Stock check box in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session. The following table gives the default combinations and the resulting material control method.

Print on Order DocumentFloor StockMaterial Control Method value
NoYesNo material line created
NoNo Allocate Only
YesNo Print and Allocate
YesYes Print Only



You can only change this field when you manually add a (floor stock) material while the production order status is Planned.

Customer Furnished Material
If this check box is selected, the material is a customer furnished material.

Only visible when Demand Pegging and Customer Furnished Materials are selected in Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000)

Contains CFM
If this check box is selected, the production order contains customer furnished material.
Net Quantity
The quantity of a component or material that is theoretically required to make a certain quantity of a product.

This quantity is referred to as the net quantity because in practice you may need more than this quantity to make up for certain losses of the material or the product.

If you work with serialized items, this field's quantity can be less than expected. For more information, refer to Rework order procedure for serialized items.

If this check box is selected, a specification is present for the material. From the appropriate menu, click Specification to start the Specification (tcibd4120m000) session. In this session you can view the applicable specifications.
Demand Peg
Business Partner
The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged to the sold-to business partner displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.

Business Object Type
The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged to the type of order displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Business Object
The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged to the order, or order line, displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Business Object Reference
A transaction identification more detailed than the business object, for example, a receipt number or an order number. You can use the reference during reconciliation to match transactions if the business object alone does not provide enough information, for example, during GRNI reconciliation.

The business object reference is not the same as a reference link.

The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged to the reference code displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.

LN can use this field in two ways:

  • If the Business Partner field is filled, LN uses the Reference field to record a reference code defined by a customer.
  • If the Business Partner field is empty, LN uses the Reference field to record an internal reference.

You can use a reference code to keep a collection of parts linked together, even if they follow different routings, for example, if some of the parts are transported to a subcontractor to be returned later.

Product Variant
The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged to the product variant displayed in this field.

This field can only be filled if the following are applicable:

  • The Sell Multiples of Same Configuration check box is selected in the Assembly Planning Parameters (tiapl0500m000) session.
  • The Sell Multiples of Same Configuration check box is selected in the Product Variants (tiapl3500m000) session.
  • The item is a Manufactured item with the default supply source set to Assembly in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session.
Return as
If a material line is sent back to warehousing, you must set this field, so the line can be passed to the production warehouse order line and stored.

Allowed values

  • Return as Issued
    Use this value if the material can be used again.
  • Company Owned
    Use this value if the material cannot be used again.


Add/Explode Phantom
Click to add a phantom to the production order's item. You can use this command if you do not have the phantom on stock. For more information, refer to Adding and exploding phantoms in a production order.
Transfer Subseq. Delivery to Issue
Updates the To Issue field with the quantity in the Subsequent Delivery field which is the quantity still to be delivered as a back order.

All estimated materials are selected from the Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000) session for the chosen order/operation which:

  • Have the field Subsequent Delivery not equal zero.
  • Are not handled by backflushing. The Backflushing check box is not selected.
Initiate Inventory Issue
Click to start the Initiate Inventory Issue (tisfc0207m000) session. The inventory issue is initiated for all operations.
Prdn Order-specific Inspection Data
Click to start the Specification (tcibd4120m000) session.
Material to Issue Distribution
Inventory by Warehouse, Item and Eff. Unit
Click to start the Inventory by Warehouse, Item and Effectivity Unit (whwmd2516m000) session.
Warehouse Orders
Click to start the Production Warehouse Orders (timfc0101m000) session.
Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs
Click to start the Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000) session.
Serial End Item - As-Built Components
Click to start the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session. In this session you can enter the serial numbers for the issued material. For more information, refer to Serialized items in Manufacturing.
Production Warehouse Orders
Click to start the Production Warehouse Orders (timfc0101m000) session.
Process Shortages...
Process the material shortages for materials after a shortage has been resolved, without extensive, manual warehouse handling. For more information, refer to Direct processing of material shortages.
Process Material Shortages
Generate Lot
Click to generate a lot number.