Cost Price Calculation Parameters (ticpr0100m000)

Use this session to maintain the parameters of the Cost Price Calculation (CPR) module.


Effective Date
The date and time that the parameters were changed. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting. The current set has no effective date.
The description of the parameter set. The default is the description of the previous parameter set, so to avoid confusion you must always delete this and add a new text.
Calculation Settings
Standard Price Calculation Code
A specification of how a cost price, valuation price, or sales price is calculated. The code stores specific cost calculation data.

The price calculation code that is defined in the Cost Price Calculation (CPR) Parameters determines the standard cost price. Other price calculation codes are used for simulation purposes. The price calculation code for customized items is stored by project.

  • Specific operation rates
  • Subcontracting rates
  • Simulated purchase prices
  • Surcharges

Related topics

Type of Operation Rates
This parameter indicates which type of operation rate determines the calculation of cost prices.
Zero Component Cost Price Allowed
If this check box is selected, cost price calculation for an item is not stopped if one of the item's components has a cost price that is 0 (zero).

If this check box is cleared, cost price calculation for an item is stopped if one of the item's components has a cost price that is 0 (zero).

Include Fixed Costs in Sales Price
Costs can be divided into two parts, the variable costs and the fixed costs. The variable costs will always be added to the sales price of an item. The fixed costs will only be added to the sales price if the Include Fixed Costs in Sales Price field is checked.

This parameter does not have any influence on the standard cost price, although you can see the difference between the variable and the fixed part of the cost price.

Include Fixed Costs in Valuation Price
Costs can be divided into two parts, the variable costs and the fixed costs. The variable costs will always be added to the valuation price of an item. The fixed costs will only be added to the valuation price if the Include Fixed Costs in Valuation Price check box is selected.
  • This parameter is only applicable if the valuation of the inventory is based on the standard cost price (Fixed Transfer Pricing). If you use an actual valuation method, such as LIFO, FIFO, or MAUC, fixed costs as well as variable costs are included to valuate inventory, independent of the setting of this check box.
  • This parameter does not have any influence on the standard cost price, although you can see the difference between the variable and the fixed part of the cost price.

Related topics

Include Surcharges in Valuation Price of Shop Floor Warehouse
If this check box is selected, the surcharges assigned to an item in the main warehouses are also included in the item's valuation price in the shop floor warehouse. As a result, the issue price of the item from the main warehouse is the same as the receipt price for the item in the shop floor warehouse. Consequently, no transfer results and production results will occur.

If this check box is cleared, only valuation prices are stored if surcharges are defined for the item in the warehouse. This means that when no surcharge is assigned to an item in the shop floor warehouse, no valuation price will be present for the item in the shop floor warehouse.


If you select the Include Surcharges in Valuation Price of Shop Floor Warehouse check box for an item with a shop floor warehouse and FTP as valuation method, you must first remove the following surcharges to calculate the valuation price correctly:

  • Surcharges on the item/shop floor warehouse combination.
  • Surcharges on the item group/shop floor warehouse combination.
Backdate Valuation Price Allowed
If this check box is selected, you can calculate and/or actualize valuation prices for a date that is in the past. The date in the past can be the Last Date of Previous Period or a Specific Date.

If this check box is cleared, you can only calculate and/or actualize valuation prices for the current date.

Calculating and actualizing valuation prices takes place in the following sessions:

  • Calculate Cost and Valuation Prices (ticpr2210m000)
  • Actualize Standard Cost and Valuation Prices (ticpr2220m000)
  • Calculate and Actualize Standard Item Cost and Valuation Price (ticpr2225m000), which is started from the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session)

This parameter also applies to the Calculate Cost Prices by Project (tipcs3250m000) session where valuation prices for customized items in PCS projects are calculated.


If you want to use lower cost or market value (LCMV), this check box must be selected.

Calculate and Actualize from Items - Costing Session Allowed
If this check box is selected, you can calculate and actualize an item's standard cost price and valuation price directly from the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session.

To calculate and actualize an item's cost price and valuation price, you can also use the Calculate Cost and Valuation Prices (ticpr2210m000) session, regardless of the setting of this check box.

Retain Standard Cost Price History
The number of years that the standard cost price must be retained in LN. The Archive/Delete Cost Price History (ticpr2230m000) session takes this number of years into account when removing cost price history data.

A historical standard cost price is used, for example, to carry through inventory transactions having an "old date", as can be the case during cycle counting, or when antedating in the Purchase Control module, the Sales Control module, or in Service. The historical standard cost price is also used to determine the inventory value on a past date.

Detailed Operation Cost Components
Cost Component for Labor
The default value for the Cost Component field in the Operation Rates (ticpr1150m000) session for cost components of type Labor.
Cost Component for Machine
The default value for the Cost Component field in the Operation Rates (ticpr1150m000) session for cost components of type Machine.
Cost Component for Overhead on Man Hours
The default value for the Cost Component field in the Operation Rates (ticpr1150m000) session for cost components of type Overhead on Man Hours.
Cost Component for Overhead on Machine Hours
The default value for the Cost Component field in the Operation Rates (ticpr1150m000) session for cost components of type Overhead on Machine Hours.
Cost Component for Subcontracting
The default value for the Cost Component field in the Subcontracting Rates (ticpr1160m000) session.
The description of the corresponding cost component.