Remix Line Mix (tiasl3220m000)

Use this session to recalculate line mixes for a range of assembly lines and planned offline dates. The new mix uses the existing mix as starting point.


Include Backlog Orders
You can check this option if the offline date of these backlog orders is before the date you entered in the Planned Offline Date field. These backlog orders will then be taken into account when remixing is performed.
Rebuild Utilization (Maximum Orders)
If this check box is selected, the line utilization will be rebuilt.
Order Priority
If this check box is selected, order priority is taken into account when remixing is carried out. This priority was manually defined in the Priority field in the Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000) session.
Mix Modified
This check box indicates whether the mix was changed in the remixing process. If the mix was changed, the changes in Cost function are displayed.


Click to recalculate line mixes for a range of assembly lines and planned offline dates.
Use this button to confirm the mix. The mix can be confirmed only if the mix was changed. The assembly orders will get new offline dates. All error and warning messages are logged in Messages and visible in Messages (tiasc0501m000) for this remixing process.
Click to enter or display the parameters for the selected segments and user (yourself). The Remix/Sequence Parameters (tiasl4110m000) session starts.

You can enter more general parameters in the Assembly Control Parameters (tiasc0100m000) session.

You can evaluate the change in the line mix for planned orders. An Excelsheet is activated which will show the chart of orders and their planned offline dates with the actual number of option combinations and the maximum number of option combinations. Translation is not supported.
Click to display error messages, such as line station orders whose requirements have not been backflushed or WIP transfers that cannot be created.