Purge State-independent ASC Data (tiasl1210m000)

Use this session to purge state independent data that is no longer used. State independent means that the data is not related to any assembly order or product variant.


Assembly Line
If this check box is selected, LN checks in the range of assembly lines for those assembly lines that are no longer used and that can therefore be deleted. LN also checks up until a specific date if the specified assembly lines are closed. If these lines are closed, the line status, which is stored in the Assembly Line - Status (tiasc7520m000) session, is deleted.

An assembly line is no longer used if the following conditions are met:

  • No status is stored in the Assembly Line - Status (tiasc7520m000) session.
  • No assembly orders exist for the assembly line.
  • No WIP extimates exist for the assembly line.
  • No financial transactions exist for the assembly line.
  • No relations to line segements exist for the assembly line. ( Note Line segments and their relations must first be deleted for this criterion to be met.)
  • No clustered line station orders (CLSOs) exist for the assembly line.

The following data is deleted:

Related topics

Assembly Line
The range in which the assembly lines and related independent data, which is detailed in the Purge State-independent ASC Data (tiasl1210m000) session help, that you select and that are no longer used, are deleted.
Upto Date
This field is used to delete the statuses of closed assembly lines. LN checks whether the assembly line is closed up until this date. If the line is closed, LN deletes the status in the Assembly Line - Status (tiasc7520m000) session.
Line Segment
If this check box is selected, LN checks the specified line segments to see whether the segments are no longer in use and can, therefore, be deleted. The related independent data is also deleted at this time.

A line segment is no longer used if the following conditions are met:

  • No assembly orders exist in the Line Segment - Line Sequence (tiasl4500m000) session for the line segment.
  • No exchangeable configurations exist for the line segment.
  • No line station orders exist for the segment.

The following data is deleted:

  • Line segments.
  • Relations to the assembly line.
  • Line station on the line segment.
  • Process trigger definitions for the line segment.
  • Relations to rules.
  • The remix parameters of the line segment.
Line Segment
The selected line segments, and their line stations, that are not connected to any assembly line are deleted.
If this check box is selected, LN checks the specified rule range to see whether the rules are no longer used and can, therefore, be deleted. A rule is no longer used when it is no longer linked to any line segments.
LN checks the specified rule range to see whether the rules are no longer used and can, therefore, be deleted. A rule is no longer used when it is no longer linked to any line segments.
Option Combination List
If this check box is selected, LN checks the specified range of option combination lists to see whether the lists are no longer used and can, therefore, be deleted. An option combination list is no longer used if it is no longer used by any rule.
Option Combination List
LN checks a range of specified option combinations, to see whether the option combinations are no longer used and, therefore, can be deleted.
Option Combination
If this check box is selected, LN checks the range of specified option combinations to see whether the combinations are no longer used and can, therefore, be deleted.

An option combination is no longer used if the following conditions are met:

  • It is no longer used in any option combination list.
  • It is no longer used in any rule.
  • It is no longer used in the line utilization.
Option Combination
LN checks the range of specified option combinations, to see whether the combinations are no longer used and can, therefore, be deleted. The selected option combinations that are not in use are deleted.
Simulation Only
If this check box is selected, data is not removed from LN. Instead, a report is printed that details the data that would have been deleted if this check box had not been selected.


Click to remove the selected data from the system.