Bank Norma files

Bank Norma files are the sequential files with a specific format, standardized by the Superior Bank Council of Spain. The format is used for payments or receipts that are sent to the bank in the form of an electronic file.

The following are the types of Norma files:

  • Norma 19, Norma 32
    Use these file formats to send automatic receipts to the bank. Additional information is included in the report based on the direct debit procedure.
  • Norma 34
    Use this file format to make automatic payments or check payments.

To set up Bank Norma files

To set up Bank Norma files, use the following sessions:

  • Automatic Process Defaults by Bank/Payment-Receipt Method (tfcmg1191m000)
    Select the Physical Document Attached (Norma 32) check box, to indicate that a trade note is enclosed in physical form along with the norma file which is stored in magnetic tape or disc, when it is sent to bank.
  • Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000)
    You can include some additional information in the report when you select a direct debit procedure. Select the direct debit procedure in the Direct Debit Procedure(Norma 19) field.

    Allowed values

    • Not Applicable: Default value.
    • 1: The text entered in the Reference field of the Direct Debit Advice (tfcmg4120s000) session, is included in the report when the Type of Advice is Advance Receipt. If Type of Advice is Sales Invoice the document numbers are included in the report.
    • 2: The text entered in the Reference field of the Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000) session must be included in the report.


The suffix is a code that must be printed in Norma 19 report. You must enter the suffix code before you process trade notes or direct debits and also before you assign banks to direct debit, audit or create direct debit batch. If the Suffix(Norma File19) field is not filled, LN stops the automatic process, and you must manually perform the process after specifying the value. Specify the code in the Suffix(Norma File19) field for the following sessions, if necessary.

  • Process Trade Notes Receivable (tfcmg4226m000)
  • Process Direct Debits (tfcmg4240m000)
  • Assign Banks to Direct Debits (tfcmg4250m000)
  • Audit Direct Debit Batch (tfcmg4255m000)
  • Create Direct Debit Batch Orders (tfcmg4256m000)
  • Transfer Direct Debits (tfcmg4260s000)