Assigning bank relations to uninterrupted cash processes

For the uninterrupted payment or direct debits process, LN searches for a bank relation for each transaction in this order:

  1. The bank relation you select in the Bank Relation field of the Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000) or the Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000) session.
  2. The bank relation you select in the Payment Advice Lines (tfcmg1101m000) or the Direct Debit Advice (tfcmg4120s000) session.
  3. The bank relation that results from the bank distribution process. For details, refer to Bank distribution.
  4. The bank relation that answers these conditions:

    • The bank currency is equal to the transaction currency.
    • The country of the bank's address is equal to the country of the business partner's address.
  5. A bank relation in the country of the business partner.

  6. A bank relation in a different country, and for which other currencies are allowed.

    In steps 3, 4, and 5, if several bank relations are found, LN selects the bank relation to which you assign the highest priority in the Bank Relation (tfcmg0110s000) session.

  7. The bank relation you select for the payment or receipt process in the Automatic Process Defaults by Bank/Payment-Receipt Method (tfcmg1191m000) session.
  8. The bank relation you select in the Bank Relation for Payments or the Bank Relation for Direct Debits field of the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session.

If no bank relation is found, the bank relation field remains empty and LN cannot process the transaction. LN moves the transaction to a separate batch which you can process after you solve the errors.