To process receipt acknowledgements

To view and print receipt acknowledgements, use the following sessions:

  1. Receipt Acknowledgements (tfcmg2520m000)

    View the receipt acknowledgements LN generated for finalized payments from pay-by business partners.

    On the appropriate menu, click Select Receipts to start the Select Receipts for Acknowledgement (tfcmg2200m000) session

  2. Select Receipts for Acknowledgement (tfcmg2200m000)

    Select a range of receipts for which you want to generate receipt acknowledgements. LN displays the number group and default series for receipt acknowledgements. You can change the series.

  3. Receipt Acknowledgements (tfcmg2520m000)

    On the appropriate menu, click Print Receipt Acknowledgements to start the Print Receipt Acknowledgements (tfcmg2420m000) session.

  4. Print Receipt Acknowledgements (tfcmg2420m000)

    Use this session to print or reprint a range of receipt acknowledgements.

You do not need to remove receipt acknowledgements because, if you run the Archive / Delete Fully Paid Sales Invoices (tfacr2260m000) session, LN also deletes all the receipt acknowledgements related to the deleted invoices.