Payment authorization in Cash Management – setup

In Cash Management, you can set up this authorization data for a user:

  • Maximum amounts which the user can pay to a pay-to business partner.
  • Maximum amounts or full authorization for non-invoice related free payments such as advance and unallocated payments, standing orders and cash transactions.
  • Maximum amounts or full authorization for bank cost amounts.
  • Maximum positive and negative amounts per invoice for which the user can create payment difference transactions.
  • The kind of user for payments and direct debits.
  • Authorizations to approve payment batches created by the same user or the batches created by others.
  • The maximum amount that can be approved by the user for a payment batch.
  • Default tolerances for payment differences for payment batches and direct debit batches by an authorized user.

To set up payment authorization in Cash Management, in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session, set up this data:

  1. Authorization Data
    Specify the maximum amount that can be paid by the user to a pay-to business partner.
  2. Specify the maximum amount that can be paid for non-invoice related free payments such as advance and unallocated payments, standing orders and cash transactions or select the Maximum amount for Free Payments check box to provide full authorization to pay for free payments.
  3. Specify the maximum amount that can be paid for bank costs or select the Maximum Amount for Bank Costs check box to provide full authorization to pay for bank costs.
  4. Specify the maximum amount that can be paid for positive amounts in the Max. Positive Amnt for Pay Diff field or specify the maximum negative amounts in the Max. Negative Amnt for Pay Diff field that can be paid for payment differences, or select the Full Authorization for Pay. Diff. check box to provide full authorization to pay for payment differences.
  5. Set the kind of user for payments and direct debits. Select either Normal User or Super User in the Kind of User for Payments and Kind of User for Direct Debits fields.
  6. Specify the maximum amount that the user can approve for a payment batch or a direct debit batch. Specify the amount in the Payment Batch Approval Amount and Direct Debit Batch Approval Amount fields.
  7. Set authorizations to approve the payment batches or direct batches created by the same user or the batches created by other users. In the Direct Debit Batch Approval and Payment Batch Approval fields, select one of these options:
    • Authorized for All Batches
    • Authorized for Batches of Others
    • Authorized for Own Batches
    • Not Authorized
  8. Payment Difference Tolerances
    Specify the default tolerances amounts or percentages for payment differences.

If the payment differences are not specified in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session for a user, the default values set in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session are used.