To set up payment authorization

To set up payment authorization, take the following steps:

  1. In the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session, indicate the invoices for which payment approval is required.

  2. In the Purchase Invoice Payment Authorizations (tfacp0114m000) session, authorize users to approve purchase invoices for payment. For each user, you can specify the maximum invoice amount for which they are authorized, or you can select the Full Authorization for Payment check box.

    Tax amounts, assigned credit notes, invoice corrections and so are taken into account when LN compares the maximum amount of the authorized user with the invoice balance.

  3. In the Assigned Approvers (tfacp0130m000) session, create assigned approvers for the authorized users. You can define each individual authorized user as an assigned approver, or you can create a single assigned approver to represent the authorized users of a team or a department.
  4. You can link the assigned approver code to the purchase invoice in the following ways:

    • Using a hold reason
      Link a hold reason with a default assigned approver to the invoice. For details, refer to Authorization of registered invoices.
    • Without a hold reason
      In the Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000) session, enter the assigned approver in the Assigned Approver field.