To set up factoring of accounts payables

To set up factoring of your purchase invoices, use the following sequence of sessions:

  1. Business Partners (tccom4100s000) Define each factor as a business partner and select the Factor check box. You must define the invoice-from and pay-to roles for the business partner. Do not select a parent business partner for the factor, and do not select the factor as the parent of other business partners.
  2. Pay-to Business Partners by Factor (tfacp1106m000) You can assign pay-to business partners that always factor their invoices, to a factor. You can assign a pay-to business partner to more than one factor, and you can indicate one of the factors as the default factor for the business partner.
  3. Assign Factor to Documents (tfacp2247m000) If necessary, you can use this session to re-assign already registered invoices from a pay-to business partner to a factor, or from one factor to another factor.

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