Creating financial statements

In the Financial Statements (tffst1500m000) session, set up an account structure, using parent and child accounts, and sublevels. You can set up two types of statements: Financial Statement and Consolidated Statement.

You can use various sessions to copy statements, ledger accounts to statement accounts, or dimensions to statement accounts. To be able to drill down from statement values to the original LN transaction, you must link an annexure layout to the statement.


To create a consolidated statement, instead of completing the steps described here, you can save time by creating a consolidated statement from a financial statement.

To create a financial or consolidated statement:
Step 1. Create a financial or consolidated statement header
  1. In the Financial Statements (tffst1500m000) session, click New. The Financial Statements (tffst1600m000) session is started.
  2. Under Statement Details, specify the following:

    • A code and description
    • Statement type: Financial Statement or Consolidated Statement
    • The type of accounting scheme
    • The code of the appropriate statement layout created in the Statement Layouts (tffst0110m000) session.
  3. Under Currency Details, specify the following:

  4. If applicable, under Annexure Details, specify the following:

    • The code of the appropriate statement layout for annexures created in the Statement Layouts (tffst0110m000) session.
    • If required, change the setting of the Process Transactions field, which determines how statement data is retrieved.
Step 2. Define statement accounts

In a financial or consolidated statement, you must define accounts that represent the lines that must appear in a financial report.

To define a statement account:

  1. In the Financial Statements (tffst1600m000) session, on the Statement Accounts tab, click New.
  2. Specify the following:

  3. Save the line.
  4. Optionally, open the line to specify additional details, such as:

Using account types

When you set up a financial statement account, you can use these types of account:

  • Value

    Accounts to display the amounts from the linked ledger accounts and/or dimensions or cash flow reasons if the sub level is 0 (zero). If the sublevel is greater than zero, it displays the totals of the linked child accounts. If this value is selected, you must also indicate whether it is debit or credit. This determines if amounts are printed with a minus sign in case of a debit/credit value.

    For an example, refer to Example of account type Value.

  • Text

    This type is used to add text to a report. Make sure you have selected a statement layout that has a value > 0 in the Position of Account Text field. This text account can be used in two ways:

    • With text

      From the appropriate menu, select the Text Editor command and enter text as required. You can use several variables, accessible through select ‘Start Zoom Session’ from the appropriate menu in the text area. To print the text of the text account, in the Print Financial Statement Values (tffst1450m000) session, select the Print Text of Text Accounts check box.

    • Without text

      As a result, only a statement account with a description is defined. This can be useful if the length of an account text description exceeds one line, or if you need a header on top of a list of statement accounts.



      Printing the accounts above will result in:


  • Ratio

    If you select this account type, you must use the Ratios (tffst6100m000) session to define the ratio ( For more information, refer to Setting up ratios). In the Statement Account Ratio Specifications by Column (tffst1124m000) session you define the ratio that must be used for each column. This session can be started from the appropriate menu in the Financial Statements (tffst1600m000) if the ratio account is selected on the Statement Accounts tab.

  • Rounding

    Per column, you can define how values must be rounded. Due to these roundings, rounding differences may occur. For each statement account, you can define a rounding account. To assign the account to a range of statement accounts, from the appropriate menu of the Statement Accounts tab, select Assign Rounding Account. This will start the Assign Rounding Account to Range of Statement Accounts (tffst1220m200) session.

  • Gain/Loss

    On the statement, you can define whether currency gains and losses must be used. If so, a Gain/Loss account can be defined for each account. Gains and losses accrued on an account, are booked to this account. To assign this account to a range of statement accounts, from the appropriate menu of the Statement Accounts tab, select Assign Gain/Loss Account. This will start the Assign Gain/Loss Account to Range of Statement Accounts (tffst1220m300) session.

  • Balancing

    Per column, you can define that the column must be balanced. The difference between the total debit and the total credit (all level 0) is booked to a statement account of type Balancing.

Step 3. Link statement accounts
  • Link ledger accounts and/or dimensions or cash flow reasons

    For statements of type Financial Statement, statement accounts of type Value and with sublevel 0 (zero) must be linked to ledger accounts and/or dimensions, or cash flow reasons. You can link multiple ranges to a single statement account. You have two options:

    • Link ledger accounts or cash flow reasons to statement accounts
      1. On the Statement Accounts tab, select the statement account and, from the appropriate menu of the same tab, select Ledger Accounts by Statement Account. The Specifications by Statement Account (tffst1521m000) session is started.
      2. Specify the ranges that you want to link to the statement account.
    • Link ledger accounts or cash flow reasons to statement accounts and columns
      You can link ranges of ledger accounts and dimensions to a specific column. If you have also done a setup per statement account per column, the ranges defined per statement account are ignored.
      1. On the Statement Accounts tab, select the statement account and, from the appropriate menu of the same tab, select Ledger Accounts by Account and Column. The Specifications by Account and Column (tffst1122m000) session is started.
      2. Specify the ranges that you want to link to the statement account.
  • Link fixed values

    Sometimes you require values in your statement that are not available in the General Ledger, for example:

    • Balances from a year that is not available in LN.
    • The number of employees to calculate ratios such as Revenue per employee.

    Or you want to add the generic value this ratio has in your line of business for comparison.

    In these cases, no linking to ledger accounts and/or dimensions is required. Instead, you can add the fixed value:

    1. On the Statement Accounts tab, select the statement account and, from the appropriate menu of the same tab, select Statement Account Value by Column. The Statement Account/Column Specifications (tffst1123m000) session is started.
    2. Add the fixed values for the appropriate accounts and columns. Optionally, select Value modifiable, which allows you to change the value before you process the financial statement values.
  • Link statement accounts

    For statements of type Consolidated Statement, statement accounts of type Value and with sublevel 0 (zero), must be linked to statement accounts. You can link multiple ranges to a single statement account.

    1. On the Statement Accounts tab, select the statement account and, from the appropriate menu of the same tab, select Statement Accounts by Consolidated Account. The Statement Accounts by Consolidated Statement Account (tffst1127m000) session is started.
    2. Specify the ranges that you want to link to the statement account.

Using existing ledger accounts, dimensions or statement structures

Instead of defining the statement account structure from scratch, you can use existing ledger accounts or dimensions structures as a basis for a statement account structure: For this purpose, the following sessions are available:

Step 4. Check financial statements

To check whether a financial statement has missing or duplicate links to ledger accounts or dimensions, you can use the Check Financial Statement (tffst1250m000) session. To start this session, in the Financial Statements (tffst1600m000) session, select a financial statement, and, from the appropriate menu, select Check Financial Statement. To verify that you have linked all appropriate ledger accounts, ensure to select the Print not included ledger accounts check box.

Step 5. Statement columns (to be skipped when using an external reporting tool to print the statements)

The output of the statement is expressed in columns. On the Statement Columns tab, you can add and modify columns. Ensure to define the same number of columns as that were defined in the used statement layout.

For each column, specify the following:

  • Column description

    Enter text or select variables from the Text Variables (tffst0800m000) session.

  • Column type

    If you selected Percentage over Accounts, make sure the accounts on the Statement Accounts tab have a value in the 100 Percent Account field.

  • If Column Type is Amount/Quantity, a formula.
  • Rounding method
  • How amounts must be shown in the financial statement.
  • Conditions that specify which values must be ignored, for example, all amounts smaller than 0.05.
Step 6. Define formula elements
  • For statements of type Financial Statement, on the Statement Columns tab, through the appropriate menu, start the Statement Column References (tffst1111m000) session, which allows you to define the formula's variables for the financial statement.

    For each variable in the formula, specify the following:

    • Column Reference
    • Variable or Fixed Year/Period Range

      If you select Fixed, you must add the year and period in the Period Details section. From then on, this year and period will be used. To use another year and period, you must change this statement setup.

      If you select Variable, you can select the year and period when you process the financial statement. In the Period Shift fields you can indicate a number of years or periods for a specific column, if required. For more information, refer to Period From - Period Shift Correction.

  • For statements of type Consolidated Statement, on the Statement Columns tab, through the appropriate menu, start the Consolidated Statement Column References (tffst1112m000) session, which allows you to define the formula's variables for the consolidated statement.

    For each variable in the formula, specify the following:

Step 7. Set statement status to Approved

LN performs these checks:

  • Has the linked layout been generated?
  • Does at least one column exist?
  • Have all variables been defined?
  • Has at least one statement account been defined?
  • Have all required gain/loss accounts been defined?
  • Do ratio accounts have values?
  • Does the currency of each ratio match the currency of the statement?


  • Only if all the above checks are completed successfully, the statement can be set to Approved.
  • Only approved (or fixed) statements can be used for processing or printing.