Cash application procedure

To perform cash application, use the following sequence of sessions:

  1. Remittance Advice (tfcmg2150m000)

    Use this session to enter the received remittance advice note.

    You must enter this data:

    • The remittance code that you use to identify the remittance advice note.
    • The pay-by business partner.
    • The remittance date.
    • The bank relation.
    • The remittance currency.
    • The remittance amount.
    • The credit analyst.

    The remaining fields in this session are optional.

  2. Remittance Advice Details (tfcmg2151m000)

    Use this session to:

    • Select the invoices to which the remittance must be applied. You can select the invoices manually or specify the criteria for automatic selection.
    • View the suggested cash application to the invoices.
    • Make changes to the application.
    • Apply the remittance to the invoices. The remittance advice status changes to Applied.
    • Reverse the application and post reversal transactions if this is required. You can only post reversal transactions for a remittance advice that has the Applied status. The status changes to Draft. If the total unapplied amount is equal to zero, the status changes to Applied.
  3. Transaction Entry (tfgld1140m000)
    Use this session to create a batch for the advance or unallocated receipt. Select the transaction type for bank transactions to start the Bank Transactions (tfcmg2500m000) session.
  4. Bank Transactions (tfcmg2500m000)
    In this session, you can enter the remittance to maintain receipts through the remittance advice. The remittance advice must have the Applied status. If you enter this code, LN reads the invoice numbers and the invoice details from the remittance advice details. You can only change the date or the remittance rate. If you finalize the batch, the remittance advice gets the Posted status.

    To assign an advance or unallocated receipt to a remittance advice:

    1. In the Type of Transaction field, select Advance Receipt or Unallocated Receipt, as required.
    2. On the appropriate menu menu, click Assign Adv./Unall. to Remittance Advice.
    3. In the Assign Remittance (tfcmg2250m000) session, select the appropriate remittance advice.
    4. On the toolbar, click Assign.
    5. In the dialog box that appears, click OK.
    6. To print and post the composed debit/credit notes manually, on the appropriate menu menu, click Post SLI.
  5. Depending on whether you clicked the Post SLI command, these sessions may apply:

    If you clicked Post SLI:

    • Invoices (cisli3105m000)
      Use this session to view the details of debit notes and credit notes that result from processing the remittance advices. This includes the invoice number, the business partner against whom the debit/credit note is raised, and the debit/credit note amount.
    • Billing Requests (cisli2100m000)
      LN runs this session automatically to compose the debit/credit notes. A new billing request is created automatically, using the billing request template specified in the Sales Invoicing Parameters (cisli0100m000) session. The composed debit/credit notes are automatically printed and posted. The corresponding open entries and non-finalized transaction entries are created during the process.
    • Invoices (cisli2505m100)
      In this session, if you double-click a line to display the invoice details, you can see whether a debit note or credit note is attached to an invoice.

    If you did not click Post SLI:

    • Print Notification of Underpayment (tfcmg2453m000)
      Use this session to print debit notifications.