To process cost invoices

All purchase invoices for which no related purchase orders exist are cost invoices.


To distinguish cost invoices from other purchase invoices, you can define a specific transaction type for cost invoices. In the Transaction Types (tfgld0511m000) session, select Cost Invoice in the Match Purchase Invoices field.

If you then create a purchase invoice with this transaction type in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session, the Invoice Type field will by default be Cost Invoice.

To enter invoice lines for cost invoices

For invoices of the Cost Invoice type, take the following steps:

  1. After entering the invoice header data, click Lines. The Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp1120s000) session is started.
  2. Enter one or more transaction lines for the invoice.
  3. Manually post the purchase invoice.

When you finalize the batch, for cost invoices the amounts are posted to the following control accounts for the invoice-to business partner:

CreditAccounts Payable