Authorization of registered invoices

To exclude invoices from the automatic payment procedure, if you register an invoice in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session, you can link a hold reason to the invoice. If you link a hold reason to an invoice, the invoice is not selected for payment in the Select Invoices for Payment (tfcmg1220m000) session. For example, reasons for blocking an invoice can be incorrect quantities, incorrect prices, or defects found in the received goods.

You can link a hold reason to order-related purchase invoices and to cost invoices.

You must define the person or department that is responsible for releasing the invoice for further processing as assigned approvers. To approve the invoice, an assigned approver must remove the hold reason. In some situations, LN automatically removes the hold reason, for example, if an authorized user approves the invoice for payment.

You can link a default assigned approver to each hold reason. If an invoice is blocked, LN displays the default assigned approver. You can always manually change the hold reason and the assigned approver of an invoice.

The assigned approver is used for information only. Every user can remove a hold reason. The addition and removal of hold reasons to purchase invoices is logged in the authorization history, which you can view in the Invoice Authorization History (tfacp2510m000) session.

You can link hold reasons to registered purchased invoices in two ways:

  • Automatically
  • Manually
Defining hold reasons

To define hold reasons, use these sessions:

  1. Assigned Approvers (tfacp0130m000)
    Define the assigned approvers.
  2. Hold Reasons (tfacp0120m000)
    Define the hold reasons. You can optionally select a default assigned approver for each hold reason.
Automatically linking hold reasons to registered invoices

You can set up LN to automatically link hold reasons to registered invoices.

To automatically link hold reasons:

  1. Invoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000)
    To automatically block all registered invoices from a specific business partner, select a default hold reason in the hold reason for Purchase Invoices field. LN automatically links this hold reason to all registered invoices from the invoice-from business partner.
  2. ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000)
    To automatically block all registered invoices, select a default hold reason in the Hold Reason for Registered Invoices field. LN automatically links this hold reason to all registered invoices of business partners for which you do not select a specific hold reason.

The hold reasons at business partner level override the global hold reason.

  • If you define a default hold reason, LN automatically links a default hold reason to registered invoices for which no payment approval is required.
  • If payment approval is required for the invoice and the user who registers the invoice is authorized to approve the payment, LN does not link a default hold reason to the invoice. In the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session, the Hold Reason field remains empty. However, if the user does not have sufficient authorization, LN links a default hold reason to the invoice.
Manually linking hold reasons to registered invoices

If no default hold reason is defined in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session, you can manually add a hold reason to an invoice. If a default hold reason is defined, you can always change the hold reason of an invoice.

You can manually enter, change, or remove, the hold reason and the assigned approver in these sessions:

  • Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000)
  • Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000)
  • Match/Approve Purchase Invoices (tfacp2107m000)

When payments are processed in the Bank Transactions (tfcmg2500m000) session and the Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2110s000) session, LN does not check whether invoices are blocked, because in these sessions the invoices are registered afterwards.

Removing the hold reason

If you are an assigned approver, you can remove the hold reason and in this way, release the invoice for further processing.

To remove the hold reason:

  1. Start the Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000) to list the invoices that require authorization. If a hold reason is linked to the invoice, the Hold Reason column displays the hold reason.
  2. Select the invoice and from the appropriate menu, select Invoice Details. The Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000) session starts.
  3. On the Miscellaneous tab, delete the hold reason from the Hold Reason field. LN automatically clears the Assigned Approver field.

You can also remove the hold reason in these sessions:

  • Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000)
  • Match/Approve Purchase Invoices (tfacp2107m000)
  • If you authorize an order-related purchase invoice for payment, LN automatically removes the hold reason. For details, refer to Payment authorization in Accounts Payable.
  • Every user can remove the hold reason. If the user is not authorized a warning is displayed. The invoice stays blocked for payment. Removing the hold reason is logged in the Invoice Authorization History (tfacp2510m000).
  • If you remove the hold reason and you are not authorized to approve the invoice for payment, LN displays a warning and the invoices is still blocked for payment.