Reconciliation - multicompany aspectsThe reconciliation data is stored in the financial company in which the integration transaction is posted. As a result, for intercompany and intergroup transactions, the debit and credit data is logged in various financial companies. If the financial companies do not share the Reconciliation Data (tfgld495) table, you cannot view the debit transaciton and the credit transaction together. For best results, companies must not share the Reconciliation (tfgld495) table. In a multicompany environment, the most likely requirement is that reconciliation takes place on the level of a legal entity or enterprise unit. Because a financial company usually corresponds to a legal entity, this requires a non-shared setup. A non-shared setup also reduces the table size, as in that case the reconciliation data is divided over multiple physical tables. Example For a purchase order, the following situation occurs:
The related postings appear in different reconciliation groups and in different financial companies.
Within the reconciliation groups, the related transactions stay together. However, the reconciliation data in the Interim Transit 1 and the Inventory 1 reconciliation groups is stored in financial company 200, while the reconciliation data in the Invoice Accrual 3 reconciliation group is stored in financial company 100. In the Invoice Accrual 3 reconciliation group, the entries balance.
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