Integrations of financial transactions to logistic packages

This section describes the integration of a financial transaction to the related logistic source.

In Financials, you can link a financial transaction to the logistic source to which the transaction is related. A ledger account must exist that has an integration link to the appropriate logistic source. You can indicate the module to which the logistic source belongs by using the Operations Management Integration field in the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session.

To link a financial transaction to the logistic source:

  1. Create a transaction in the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session.
  2. Book this transaction to a ledger account that is linked to a logistic origin as described above.
  3. LN starts a continue session in which you can enter the details of the integration. Which session is started depends on the logistic origin chosen in the Operations Management Integration field of the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session for the selected ledger account.

The following logistic origins and related continue-sessions are available:

PCS Project

For project transactions in the Project Control module. LN starts the General Actual Project Costs (tipcs3140m000) session after a transaction has been entered.

PCS Project

For costs for a project in the Project Progress module. LN starts the Costs (tpppc2811m000) session after a transaction has been entered. From this session you can start other sessions relating to commitment and cost transactions.

Project Costs

For revenues relating to a project in the Project Progress module. LN starts the Revenues (tpppc3501m000) session after a transaction has been entered.

Service Purchasing

For material costs in the Service Order Control module. LN starts the Service Order Estimated Material Costs (tssoc2120m000) session after a transaction has been entered.

Service Other Costs

For service costs, other than material, in the Service Order Control module. LN starts the Service Order Estimated Other Costs (tssoc2140m000) session after a transaction has been entered.


To link booked costs in Financials to the corresponding Project Control project in Manufacturing, do the following:

  1. Create or select a ledger account for which the Operations Management Integration field is PCS Project.
  2. In the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session, create a transaction and select the ledger account that you created in step 1.
  3. LN automatically starts the General Actual Project Costs (tipcs3140m000) session in which you can enter the particular details of the PCS project.