To process integration transactions

To process integration transactions - overview

To process the integration transactions and to create the corresponding entries in the General Ledger consists of the following steps:

  1. Logging the transaction data.
    Of every event in Operations Management, LN automatically logs the logistic data in the Integration Transactions (tfgld482) table and in the Reconciliation Data (tfgld495).
  2. Optionally view the integration transactions.
    In the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session, you can view the integration transaction details.
  3. Optionally map individual transactions.
    In the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session, you can map individual transactions according to the current mapping scheme or a previous mapping scheme version.
  4. Map the integration transactions.
    Use the Map Integration Transactions (tfgld4281m000) session to start the mapping. Ledger accounts and dimensions are assigned to the transactions.
  5. Solve the mapping errors.
    Start the Print Integration Transactions Error Log (tfgld4484m000) session to print an error report. If mapping errors occurred, create a new version of the mapping scheme in which you solve the errors.
  6. Post the integration transactions
    Use the Post Integration Transactions (tfgld4282m000) session to start the posting. Non-finalized journal entries are created for the integration transactions in the General Ledger. Note: Users can only post integration transactions if they belong to an integration user group. For details, refer to Integration user groups.
  7. Solve the posting errors.
    Start the Print Integration Transactions Error Log (tfgld4484m000) session to print an error report. Solve the errors and post the integration transactions again.
  8. Finalize the transactions
    In the Global Selection of Batches for Finalization (tfgld1210m000) session or the Finalization Run Numbers (tfgld1609m000) session, finalize the batch. Final checks are carried out on the non-finalized integration transactions, finalized transactions are created in the General Ledger.
  9. Archive and/or delete the integration transactions.
    After the transactions are posted, run the Archive/Delete Integration Elements and Integration Transactions (tfgld4283m000) session to clear up the database.

These steps are described in detail below.

You can remap Posted transactions that were mapped incorrectly. LN reverses the posted integration transactions and generates a new integration transaction. If the mapping elements are still available, you can remap the integration transaction, for example, using a new version of the mapping scheme, or you can remap the transaction through a GL code. For more information, refer to To remap integration transactions.


For fixed assets transactions, procurement card transactions, and dimension accounting, LN only uses the mapping scheme functionality to map the transactions to ledger accounts and dimensions. These processes do not result in integration transactions and the related transactions are not included when you map and post integration transactions.

To process integration transactions
Step 1. Logging the transaction data

When logistic events occur that result in financial postings, LN automatically logs the logistic data such as the order amount, the order number, the quantity, and the business partner, in the Integration Transactions (tfgld482) table. Simultaneously, this data is stored in the Reconciliation Data (tfgld495) table, for inquiries, reporting, and reconciliation purposes.

Based on the transaction date, LN determines the financial period in which the transaction must be posted. This is especially important for the reconciliation process. If the financial period is closed, LN displays an error message. However, in the Integration Parameters (tfgld4150s000) session, you can select a default Closed Period Handling option. For more information, refer to Period handling for integration transactions.

The mapping elements of transactions for which you enter a GL code are not logged, as these are not needed to determine the ledger account and dimensions for the transaction.

Step 2. View the integration transactions

You can use the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session to view the integration transactions. On the various tabs you can view all the details of the integration transactions.

Step 3. Optionally map and post individual transactions

You can optionally map and post individual transactions, for example, to post a specific transaction or to map an antedated transaction with the mapping scheme version that was active on the transaction date.

In the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session, select the transaction and on the appropriate menu, click:

  • Map Specific Transactions, to map the selected transaction according to the currently active mapping scheme.
  • Map with Specific Mapping Scheme, to map a selected transaction according to a specific mapping scheme version. You can select any mapping scheme version from the Mapping Schemes (tfgld4573m100) session. If the selected version has not been Active, you can only simulate the mapping. If the selected version has been Active at any time, you can simulate the mapping and you can actually map the transaction.
  • Post Specific Transaction, to post a selected transaction manually.
Step 4. Map the integration transactions

In the Map Integration Transactions (tfgld4281m000) session, select a range of transactions to be mapped.

If you click the Map button, LN assigns ledger accounts and dimensions to the transactions based on the integration mapping scheme and the values of the mapping elements.

LN uses the currently Active mapping scheme version, independent of the transaction dates.

You can select transactions with specific statuses for the mapping. By default, LN maps transactions that have the following statuses:

  • Logged
    The transaction data has been logged. Usually this check box is selected.
  • Mapping error
    Previous mapping of the transaction has resulted in an error message.
  • Posting error
    Previous posting of the transaction has resulted in an error message.

The transactions for which you enter a GL code are not mapped, as these can be immediately posted to the ledger account and dimensions of the GL code.

To remap transactions that were previously mapped, select Mapped in the Status field. The previous mapping is replaced with the new mapping. For example, if you wish to overrule the individual mapping of transactions performed in the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session, you can use this option.

After the mapping, you can still map individual transactions according to previously active mapping scheme versions. Use the commands on the appropriate menu of the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session.

Step 5. Solve the mapping errors

After mapping the integration transactions, to see whether any errors occurred, you can start the Print Integration Transactions Error Log (tfgld4484m000) session to display or print an error report.

If mapping errors occurred, create a new version of the mapping scheme in which you solve the errors. Alternatively, in the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session you can manually map individual transactions according to a previously active mapping scheme.

Step 6. Post the integration transactions

In the Post Integration Transactions (tfgld4282m000) session, select a range of transactions to be posted.

You can only post integration transactions if you belong to an integration user group. For details, refer to Integration user groups.

If you click the Post command button, LN creates non-finalized journal entries in the General Ledger. Debit and credit transactions are compressed if this is indicated in the mapping scheme. The batch numbers are assigned according to the setting of the Handling of Batch Numbers parameter in the Integration Parameters (tfgld4150s000) session.

If you select the Continuous Process Frequency check box, as long as the session is open LN posts newly mapped transactions in the selected range at regular intervals. You can enter the time in minutes between two runs of the posting process. If you enter zero, the process is not repeated.

Step 7. Solve the posting errors

After posting the integration transactions, to see whether any errors occurred, you can start the Print Integration Transactions Error Log (tfgld4484m000) session to display or print an error report.

The following main types of posting errors can occur:

  • In a multifinancial company structure, the intercompany relations or the intergroup relations are not set up correctly in the Inter-Company Relations (tfgld0515m000) session and the Intergroup Relations (tfgld2501m000) session. For example, check that the ledger accounts exist.
  • The fiscal period corresponding to the transaction date is already Closed. To post the transaction, you must set the period to Open for General Ledger (GLD) transactions in the Period Status (tfgld0107m000) session.
  • General transaction processing errors, for example, the highest free number of a document number series has been reached.

Solve the errors and post the integration transactions again.

Step 8. Finalize the transactions

In the Global Selection of Batches for Finalization (tfgld1210m000) session or the Finalization Run Numbers (tfgld1609m000) session, finalize the batch. LN checks whether the transactions of the batch are balanced.

If the debit and the credit side of a transaction must be posted in different financial companies, intercompany transactions are generated. In addition, currency exchange gain and loss amounts are calculated and posted.

The finalized transactions are stored in the General Ledger and the corresponding non-finalized transactions are removed.

Step 9. Remap posted transactions

Before you archive and delete the integration transactions, you can remap Posted transactions that were mapped incorrectly. For details, refer to To remap integration transactions.

Step 10. Archive and/or delete the integration transactions

After the transactions are posted, the integration transactions details are no longer needed. The logistic data required for inquiries, reporting, and reconciliation is stored separately in the Reconciliation Data (tfgld495) table.

A large amount of logged data that is no longer needed can have a negative impact on the performance of the processes that handle integration transactions and reconciliation transactions. To save space and avoid a possible low performance, at regular intervals you can run the Archive/Delete Integration Elements and Integration Transactions (tfgld4283m000) session which is part of the Utilities of the General Ledger module. All integration transactions and their mapping elements within the selection that have the Posted status are archived and/or deleted depending on the selected options.

The mapping elements reflect logistic data. If the logistic data changes, for example, if item codes or projects expire or you redefine the order types, you cannot at a later stage create a correction integration transaction or remap the integration transactions. In such a situation, you can also archive the mapping elements.