To set up the integration transaction document numbers

For each integration document type, a transaction type and series for document numbering must exist. If no default transaction type and series is available, you must define these.

If you defined a default transaction type and series in the Integration Parameters (tfgld4150s000) session, these are used as default values for all the integration document types. In a multicompany structure, by default the transaction type and series apply to all the companies.

If you wish, you can define specific document numbering details for specific integration document types and for specific combinations of originating logistic company and financial company.

To define specific document numbering for the integration transactions, take the following steps:

  1. In the Mapping Scheme (tfgld4573m000) session, click the Document Numbering and Compression tab.
  2. If you defined a default transaction type and series in the Integration Parameters (tfgld4150s000) session, LN has automatically inserted the integration document type in the list. Click Find to find the integration document type for which you are defining the mapping. Otherwise, click New to add the integration document type to the list.
  3. In the Transaction Type and Series fields, select a transaction type and series for the integration transaction.
  4. In a multicompany structure, you can define the posting data for the integration transactions from a specific logistic company and in a specific financial company. Click New to add the posting data for each combination of companies. If you enter zero the Source Logistic Company field and the Financial Company field, the posting details apply to all the companies.