To map an element group to ledger accounts or dimensions

Next, you must define the ledger account mapping and optionally, the dimension mapping for the integration document type on which you are working. To do this, you map the element group or groups linked to the integration document type to ledger accounts and dimensions.

  • If you select the same element group in more that one field, for example, in the Ledger Element Group field and in one or more Dimension Element Group fields, you map the transaction to exactly the same ledger accounts or dimensions. Therefore, LN displays a warning message if you select the same element group.
  • The priorities indicate the sequence in which LN determines the mapping of the transaction. Within each priority, the sequence numbers indicate the sequence in which LN checks the values of the elements.

    These rules apply to the mapping priority and the mapping sequence:

    • For different priorities, the mapped values and value ranges of the mapping elements can overlap.
    • If the mapped values and values ranges of the mapping elements of the mapping sequences in a mapping priority overlap, LN generates a warning.
  • For performance reasons, it is important that you put the elements in the correct element sequence. The most specific element must have the sequence number one and the least specific element must have the highest sequence number. To change an element's sequence number, select the element and on the appropriate menu of the Elements by Element Group (tfgld4568m000) session, click Move Record Up or Move Record Down.

To map an element group to a ledger account, you map values or ranges of the mapping elements to a ledger account. You must define a mapping for all elements of the element group.

If the ledger mapping and/or dimension mapping is already defined for the element group, you can continue with To set up the integration transaction document numbers.

To define the ledger account mapping:

  1. In the Mapping Scheme (tfgld4573m000) session, on the Mapping Scheme Details tab, select an integration document type and, on the appropriate menu, click Ledger Mapping. The Mapping by Element Group (tfgld4667m000) session starts.

    Note: If the Ledger Mapping command is not available, ensure that the element group contains at least one element. Because you must map elements to the ledger accounts, you cannot define the mapping if the element group is empty.

  2. On the Ledger Mapping tab, click New.

    For each element in the group, dedicated From and To columns are available for specifying element values.

    In a multicompany structure, if you enter zero in the Target Logistic Company field and/or the Financial Company field, the mapping applies to all companies. To define an exception to the shared mapping, you can enter company numbers in these fields.

    In the Ledger Account field, zoom to the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session and select a ledger account. LN only displays the ledger accounts for which you selected the Integration Account check box.

    In the element From and To fields, enter the range of values of this element that you want to map to the ledger account, and save the data.

  3. To map another value or range of the same element to a different ledger account, on the Ledger Mapping tab, click New.

    In the element From and To fields, enter the range of values of this element that you want to map to the ledger account, and save the data.

  4. If you wish, you can map the full range of each integration element to a default ledger account at a low priority (high number). In this way, LN will always find a ledger account for the transaction. The result is similar to defining default ledger accounts as described in To define default account mapping.
  5. If the ledger accounts used in the ledger mapping have a mandatory or optional link with dimension types, define the dimension mapping in the same way as the ledger account mapping.
  6. For each integration document type, you must define the mapping for the debit side and the credit side. If you have mapped only one side, define the mapping for the other side starting at To add integration document types to the mapping scheme or, if you already added the integration document type, start at To create element groups.

For the remaining integration document types of the same reconciliation group, you can define a similar mapping very quickly as described in To adapt the mapping.

Continue with To set up the integration transaction document numbers.