Relog and Replace Logged Elements (tfgld4253m000)

Use this session to relog and replace mapping element values. After you run this session, you can view the results in the Relogged Elements (tfgld4553m000) session. Typically, you should only run this session after a new element was added to the mapping scheme that did not yet exist nor was a mandatory business object attribute.


Running this session with either or both Replace options selected will overwrite existing logged elements. As a result, you may no longer be able to link mapped ledger accounts to newly logged elements.


Selection Range
Business Object Company
Part of an ERP database in which you can store data concerning logistic transactions.
Business Object
In the context of financial integration transaction processing, a business object is a logistic entity or event such as an item, a purchase order, a business partner, or a warehouse issue.
Integration Document Type
Represents a type of Operations Management transaction for the purpose of mapping and posting the integration transactions to Financials and for financial reconciliation.

The integration document types supplied by LN each have the corresponding business object attached to them. For example, the integration document types for the various sales order transactions have the Sales Order business object linked to them.

Business Object ID
The unique code that identifies a specific business object. For example, the business object ID of a Purchase Order business object is the purchase order number.
Transaction Date
The date you enter when you create the transaction such as a sales order or a warehouse receipt. Usually the transaction date is the current date. Only for backdated and antedated transactions, the transaction date differs from the current date. Internally, the transaction date is registered in UTC time.
A user-defined three-position code used to identify documents. The series linked to the transaction type give documents the sequence number.
The identification of a transaction.

The document code is a combination of:

  • Transaction-type code
  • Series number
  • Sequence number
Process Parameters
Relog Elements
If this check box is selected, LN relogs mapping element values.
Replace Integration Elements
If this check box is selected, LN overwrites all existing logged elements of type Integration Element with new ones.
Check Differences in Integration Elements
If this check box is selected, LN compares the previously logged elements of type Integration Element with the newly logged elements, and then overwrites only the elements that were changed.
Replace Reconciliation Elements
If this check box is selected, LN overwrites all existing logged elements of type Reconciliation Element with new ones.
Check Differences in Reconciliation Elements
If this check box is selected, LN compares the previously logged elements of type Reconciliation Element with the newly logged elements, and then overwrites only the elements that were changed.
Print Report
If this check box is selected, LN prints a report.

To restrict the report size, it is recommended to select the Check Differences in Integration Elements and Check Differences in Reconciliation Elements options. Otherwise, LN will print all elements.