Transaction Entry Defaults (tfgld0131m000)

Use this session to define the financial companies and transaction types for which the selected user can enter transactions. You can also define a default batch description. The defaults entered here are required for the Transaction Entry (tfgld1140m000) session.


The user who enters transactions.
The name of the user who enters transactions.
Financial Company
A company that is used for posting financial data in Financials. You can link one or more enterprise units from multiple logistic companies to one financial company.

Companies entered here must share the same group company.

Transaction Type
A user-defined three-position code used to identify documents. The series linked to the transaction type give documents the sequence number.
Default Batch Description
The default description of a batch.
Transaction Category
Determines the session to be started for direct entry.


  • If the transaction category is Cash, LN will start the Bank Transactions (tfcmg2500m000) session.
  • If the transaction category is Purchase Invoices and the Use for Direct Transaction Entry check box is selected, LN will start the Direct Entry of Purchase Invoice (tfgld1240m005) session.
Use for Direct Transaction Entering
If this check box is selected, the specific transaction type and transaction category facilitates direct entry of a financial document using a shortcut. Clicking the user-defined shortcut will directly start the appropriate entry session, using the default transaction entry date, year, and period, together with the defaults defined in this session.

For each transaction category, only one transaction type can be defined for direct entry. From the shortcut, LN will start the session defined for the transaction type in the Transaction Types (tfgld0511m000) session.

Users can create shortcuts to these sessions:

  • Direct Entry of Journal Voucher (tfgld1240m001)
  • Direct Entry of Sales Invoice (tfgld1240m002)
  • Direct Entry of Sales Credit Note (tfgld1240m003)
  • Direct Entry of Sales Correction (tfgld1240m004)
  • Direct Entry of Purchase Invoice (tfgld1240m005)
  • Direct Entry of Purchase Credit Note (tfgld1240m006)
  • Direct Entry of Purchase Correction (tfgld1240m007)
  • Direct Entry of Opening Balance (tfgld1240m008)
  • Direct Entry of Cash Transaction (tfgld1240m009)